In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Even
  • Nathalie Handal (bio)

Nothing is even, even this lineI am writing, even this line I am waiting in,waiting for permission to enterthe country, the house, the room.Nothing is even, even nowthat laws have been drawn and peaceis discussed on high tables,and even if all was said to be evenI would not believe for even I knowthat nothing is even—not the trees,the flowers, not the mountains or the shadows…our nature is not even so why even try to get eveninstead let us find an even better placeand call it even. [End Page 138]

  • Uniforme
  • Nathalie Handal
    Translated by Mariana Past (bio)

Nada es uniforme, ni siquiera esta líneaque escribo, ni siquiera esta fila donde espero,donde espero recibir permiso para entraral país, a la casa, al cuarto.Nada es uniforme, ni siquiera ahoraque las leyes han sido delineadas y la pazse discute en altos círculos,e incluso si todo se dijera para que fuera uniformeno me lo creería, porque incluso yo séque nada es uniforme—ni los árbolesni las flores, ni las montañas o las sombras…nuestra naturaleza no es uniforme, entonces ¿por qué incluso intentar vengarse?en cambio encontremos un lugar uniformemente mejory llamémoslo uniforme. [End Page 139]

Mariana Past

Mariana Past se desempeña como profesora de literatura caribeña en Dickinson College. Recibió su doctorado de Duke University, enfocándose en la literatura y la historia del Caribe hispano y francés, publicando artículos en Journal of Haitian Studies, Del Caribe, y en la Revista de la Casa de las Américas.

Mariana Past

Mariana Past is currently working as an Assistant Professor of Spanish at Dicksinson College. She completed her graduate work in Romance Studies at Duke University, focusing on Spanish and French Caribbean literature and history. She has published articles in the Journal of Haitian Studies, Del Caribe, and in the Revista de la Casa de las Américas.

Nathalie Handal

Nathalie Handal es poeta, dramaturga y escritora que ha vivido en Europa, el Caribe, Latinoamérica, y el mundo árabe. Sus obras han aparecido en numerosas antologías y revistas y han sido traducidos a más de quince idiomas. La radio NPR y PBS, y artículos del New York Times, The San Francisco Chronicle y Reuters han tratado sobre ella.

Nathalie Handal

Nathalie Handal is a poet, playwright and writer who has lived in Europe, the United States, the Caribbean, Latin America and the Arab world. Her work has appeared in numerous anthologies and magazines and has been translated into more than 15 languages. She has been featured on NPR and PBS Radio as well as in The NewYork Times, The San Francisco Chronicle and Reuters.


