In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Folklore, Fable, Fairy Tale, Myth, and Storytelling
Special Issue: Canadian Children's Literature 73 (1994): Recycling Stories of Old.
Special Section: Canadian Children's Literature 74 (1994): Le "recyclage" des contes de fées II, ed. Daniel Chouinard.
Special Issue: CBC Features 47.1 (Spring-Summer 1994): Folklore.
Special Issue: La Revue des livres pour enfants 159 (Autumn 1994): Conter: Quel répertoire? [Story Telling and Its Repertoire]
Altmann, Anna E. "Parody and Poesis in Feminist Fairy Tales." Canadian Children's Literature 73 (1994): 22-31. Examines 3 parodic works (Patricia Wrede's Dealing with Dragons, Robert Munsch's The Paper Bag Princess, Catherine Storr's stories about Polly and the wolf) and 2 works that qualify as poesis (Jane Yolen's "The Moon Ribbon" and Katherine Paterson's The King's Equal). G.A.
Baltuck, Naomi. Crazy Gibberish and Other Story Hour Stretches (from a Storyteller's Bag of Tricks). Hamden, CT: Linnet, 1993. 152 p. ISBN 0-2088-02336-4, $25. ISBN 0-208-02336-4 paper, $15. ISBN 9-993-96431-X, cassette, $10. Positive review Marsha L. Cutler, JOYS 7.3 (Spring 1994): 300. Participation stories, poetry, chants, songs, riddles, and more. Includes music scores, bibliography of books and cassettes. There is a companion cassette. G.A.
Blamires, David. "An English Chapbook Version of the 'Eaten Heart' Story." Folklore 104.1-2 (Spring-Autumn 1993): 99-104. Discusses the 1707 8-page chapbook version, reprinted here in full, in the British Library. G.A.
Bloch, Muriel. "Relevé de contes." La Revue des livres pour enfants 159 (Autumn 1994): 55-66. The storyteller provides an inventory of her repertorial treasures. G.A.
Bottigheimer, Ruth B. "Straparola's Piacevoli Notti: Rags-to-Riches Fairy Tales As Urban Creations." Merveilles & Contes 8.2 (Dec. 1994): 281-96. Discusses 15 tales in Straparola's 1551 collection that have no previous European analog. Agues that these and other tales betray their urban origins; there is no evidence that fairy tales have a rural origin. G.A.
Branigan, Michelle. "Blocks and Matchboxes: Negotiation of a Shared Reality Between Two Siblings." Children's Folklore Review 16.1 (Fall 1993): 3-31. 1992 Newell Prize. An examination of a dialogue between an 8-year-old boy and a 6-year-old girl in order to understand the dynamics of creating and sustaining play; nonsense sounds and songs were among the mechanisms for reinvoking play. G.A.
Bronner, Simon J. "Exploring American Traditions: A Survey of Folklore and Folklife Research in American Studies." American Studies International 31.2 (Oct. 1993): 37-69. A bibliographical essay that includes some folk material specifically relating to children. G.A.
Bruchac, Joseph. "Digging into Your Heart." Parabola 19.4 (Nov. 1994): 36-41. Bruchac uses Native American tales to make the point that wishes are dangerous if you wish only for yourself. G.A.
Carpenter, Carole H. "Developing and [sic] Appreciation for the Cultural Significance of Childlore." Children's Folklore Review 17.1 (Fall 1994): 19-29. Addresses the lack of childlore studies and looks at the enduring influence of childhood culture in 5 groups of marginalized Canadians. G.A.
Carroll, Michael P. "Another Look at 'The Roommate's Death.'" Folklore 103.2 (Autumn 1992): 225-34. A psychological interpretation of 2 variations of the contemporary folk tale "The Roommate's Death," particularly popular with school girls. G.A.
Cox, Cynthia Anne. "'Postmodern Fairy Tales' in Contemporary Children's Literature." Children's Folklore Review 16.2 (Spring 1994): 13-19. Discusses the metafictional and deconstructive aspects of works by the Ahlbergs, Scieszka, and Shorto. Notes priority of chaos over the traditional order of folk tale. G.A.
Croall, J. "Telling Tales." Times Educational Supplement, Review, 21 Jan. 1994: 9. Considers storytelling as an aid to literacy and a means of involving unresponsive children. Includes details of a new storytelling initiative and a list of resources. A.K.D.C.
Cullum, Carolyn N. The Storytime Sourcebook: A Compendium of Ideas and Resources for Storytellers. New York: Neal-Schuman, 1990. 177 p. £17.50. Positive review Mary Ellis Athens, Public Library Quarterly 13.1 (1993): 63. A source book arranged alphabetically by subject. Each page is a mini-guide to a...

