In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Poetry
Crisp, Shelley J. "Children's Poetry in the United States: The Best of the 1980s." Children's Literature in Education 22.3 (September 1991): 143-160. Lists the "Top Ten," "Honorable Mention" (6 books), and discusses individual books and poets in an essay ends with a 4.2 page "Suggested Reading List" divided into Picture Books, Single-Author Collections, and Anthologies. G.A.
Harms, Jeanne McLain and Lucille J. Lettow. "Recent Poetry for Children." The Reading Teacher 45.4 (Dec. 1991): 274-79. A bibliographic essay on poetry published for children in the 1980s. Extensive references. G.A.
Kennedy, X. J. "Strict and Loose Nonsense: Two Worlds of Children's Verse." School Library Journal 37.3 (March 1991): 108-12. Kennedy divides nonsense into two categories-strict and loose nonsense. His sprightly discussion highlights the great 19th-century nonsense poets Carroll and Lear. He also features many 20th-cen. nonsense poets. E.F.
Rosenberg, Liz. "Has Poetry for Kids Become A Child's Garden of Rubbish?" New York Times Book Review 55. Argues that not only is the poetry intended for children bad, it always was. Rosenberg mentions a few poets that she recommends. G.A.
See also AUTHORS: Benson, Lee, Parker, Prelutsky, Rossetti; BIBLIOGRAPHIES: Harvey; CURRICULUM: Greenway, Merrick, Viator; NATIONAL (Australia) Jameyson.

