In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Censorship, Canon, and Stereotyping
Special Issue: Canadian Library Journal 48.1 (February 1991).
Ecclesharejulia. "Trends in Children's Fiction in the United Kingdom During the 1980s." Children's Literature in Education 22.1 (March 1991): 19-24. Laments books "ponderously crafted by the dead hand of social realists, often with bizarre and confusing results." Lists authors from the 1960s and 1970s who continue to flourish in the 1980s and recommends new writers. G.A.
Hicks, Robert D. "The Devil in the Library." School Library Journal 37.4 (April 1991): 53. Discussion of trend to censor books dealing with witches, demons, or the devil. E.F.
Kuhlman, Marie, Nelly Kuntzmann, and Hélène Bellour. Censure et Bibliothèques auXXe siecle. Paris: Editions du Cercle de la Librairie, Collection Bibliothêqes. Review Geneviève Bordet, La Revue des Livrespour Enfants 130 (Winter 1989-1990): 14-15. How censorship operates in libraries. Includes the censorship of books for children and adolescents: "censorship tied to the evolution of representations of childhood during the past 20 years." Also includes "History of Censorship in the U.S." Favorable review. W.M.
National Committee on Racism in Children's Books. "Conference Report: Images and Illustrations in Children's Books." Dragon's Teeth 36 (Spring 1991): 4-10.
Shklanka, Diane. "Oriental Stereotypes in Canadian Picture Books." Canadian Children's Literature 60 (1990): 81-96. Critically evaluates eight illustrated books. G.A.
Simmons, John. "Censorship in the Schools: No End in Sight." The ALAN Review 18.2 (Winter 1991): 6-8. Discusses recent court cases, the religious right, the role of administrators, and the lack of community support for those who fight censorship. C.A.
Smith, Rosalind. "Hear No Evil, See No Evil." Storytelling Magazine 4.1 (Winter 1991): 8-12. Suggestions to freelance storytellers for avoiding negative confrontations and censorship. G.A.
Thompson, Julian. "Defending YA Literature Against the Pharisees and Censors: Is It Worth the Trouble." The ALAN Review 18.2 (Winter 1991): 2-5. Discusses censorship that gets publicity vs. "censorship by avoidance." C.A.
See also AUTHORS: Dahl; BIBLIOGRAPHY: Ross; CRITICS: Davies; CURRICULUM: Scafe, Smith; ILLUSTRATION:Skelton; NATIONAL (Canada): Rowen. [End Page 74]

