In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors

Linda S. Bergmann, associate professor of English at Purdue University and director of the Purdue Writing Lab, started writing across the curriculum programs and writing centers at several American universities. She has taught undergraduate courses in composition, literature, pedagogy, and literacy and graduate seminars in writing program administration; published articles in such journals as Language and Learning across the Disciplines, Feminist Teacher, Auto/Biography Studies: a/b, and Works and Days; and written chapters on WAC and other aspects of teaching and learning writing for various collections. She is coeditor of Composition and/or Literature: The End(s) of Education (2006).

Glenn Blalock teaches writing at Baylor University. He is a recovering WPA, a long-time WAC advocate, and an unabashed early adopter of technology tools that might contribute to his ongoing quest to teach for significant learning. With Rich Haswell he is cofounder of CompPile and CompFAQs.

Beth Daniell is director of composition at Kennesaw State University, where she teaches courses in writing, rhetoric, and literacy studies. She has published two books, one a report on her research, A Communion of Friendship: Literacy, Spirituality, and Women in Recovery (2003), the other a collection, Women and Literacy: Local and Global Inquiries for a New Century (2007), coedited with Peter Mortensen.

Laura Davis is assistant professor of English at Kennesaw State University; she teaches composition and world literature in the English department as well as courses in gender and women's studies. She was most recently published in the Tennessee English Journal. Her research interests include adult learners in the writing classroom, online learning, diversity studies, southern literature, and intersections of gender with race, sexuality, and religion.

Tiane Donahue is associate professor of English and director of the composition program at the University of Maine – Farmington. She works regularly with colleagues in France and the United Kingdom on issues of writing research and the teaching of writing. Her particular areas of interest are cross-cultural analysis, discourse analysis, writing in the disciplines, and research methods. [End Page 587]

Dana Kinzy is a doctoral candidate at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, where she teaches undergraduate courses in composition and literacy studies. Her research interests include literacy studies and issues of access, cross-cultural dialogue, and assessment methods in support of student learning.

Margaret J. Marshall is associate professor of English at the University of Miami. She has written two books, Contesting Cultural Rhetorics: Public Discourse and Education, 1890–1900 (1995) and Response to Reform: Composition and the Professionalization of Teaching (2004), as well as a chapter in The Politics of Writing Centers (2001) and articles in College Composition and Communication, English Journal, American Eductional Research Journal, English Education, and Iowa Journal of Communication. Her composition textbook, Composing Inquiry: Methods and Reading for Investigation and Writing ( 2008), began as a collaborative project with composition lecturers at the University of Miami.

Deborah Minter is associate professor and vice chair of English at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. She edited Composition, Pedagogy, and the Scholarship of Teaching (2002) with Amy Goodburn, and her research has appeared in such journals as Pedagogy and College English. Most recently, her research takes up questions of documenting teaching and learning in college English classrooms.

Joan A. Mullin, a previous director of WAC programs/writing centers, is currently chair of the Department of English Studies at Illinois State University. Mullin has published in writing center, WAC, and disciplinary journals across the curriculum, and her current projects include the Research Exchange (, an examination of disciplinary definitions of plagiarism and their effect on students (forthcoming USU Press), and collaborative projects on international approaches to the teaching of writing. She serves on editorial boards and committees nationally and internationally and as a consultant evaluator for the Council of Writing Program Administrators.

Barbara Schneider is the director of composition, director of the Writing Center, and associate professor at the University of Toledo. She teaches courses in writing theory, research methods, and composition. Her published work has appeared in College Composition and Communication, Pedagogy, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, Writing Program Administrator, and in several edited collections. She has an essay forthcoming on early college high schools and is at work on...

