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  • Contributors

Laura L. Behling, Associate Professor of English and Chair, teaches American literature and culture at Gustavus Adolphus College. Her publications include The Masculine Woman in America, 1890–1935 (2001) and Gross Anatomies: Fictions of the Physical in American Literature and Culture (2008). In addition to articles in journals, she also has published an edition of Hospital Transports: A Memoir of the Embarkation of the Sick and Wounded from the Peninsula of Virginia in 1863 (2005).

Katherine Binhammer is Associate Professor in English and Film Studies at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, where she teaches in the area of eighteenth-century cultural history and women’s writing. She has just completed a manuscript, Knowing Hearts: Seduction Narratives in Britain, 1740–1800. Recent essays on eighteenth-century gender and sexuality have appeared in ELH: English Literary History, Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, and The Eighteenth-Century: Theory and Interpretation. She has coedited a collection of essays, Women and Literary History: “For There She Was” (2003).

Pamela L. Caughie is Professor and Director of Graduate Programs in English at Loyola University, Chicago, where she also teaches in the Women’s Studies and Gender Studies Program. Her publications on Woolf include Virginia Woolf and Postmodernism: Literature in Quest and Question of Itself (1991), Virginia Woolf in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (2000), edited by Caughie, and, most recently, chapters in The Blackwell Companion to Modernist Literature and Culture, edited by Kevin Dettmar and David Bradshaw (2006), Palgrave Advances in Woolf Studies, edited by Anna Snaith (2007), and The Edinburgh Companion to Virginia Woolf, edited by Maggie Humm (forthcoming), among others.

Miriam Cooke is Professor of Arab cultures at Duke University. She is the author of several books about war and gender in Arab women’s writings, including Women and the War Story (1997). Her study of Islamic feminism entitled Women Claim Islam was a Choice Academic Best Book in 2001. Her most recent publication is Dissident Syria: Making Oppositional Arts Official (2007).

Joellen M. Delucia is Assistant Professor of English at John Jay College, City University of New York. She is currently at work on a larger [End Page 203] project that investigates eighteenth-century women writers’ interest in Scottish Enlightenment historiography, particularly theories of uneven development and nonsynchronous time found in the work of Adam Smith, David Hume, Lord Kames, and John Millar.

Johanna Devereaux is a postgraduate student in English Literature at Merton College, Oxford University, conducting research on feminist writing and its relationship with philosophical discourse in the long eighteenth century.

Suzan van Dijk is managing director of two projects in women’s literary history funded by the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) (currently at the University of Utrecht). She has published widely on French eighteenth- and nineteenth-century press and novel writing, particularly in relation to the reception of women novelists. Recently, she has been coeditor of Writing the History of Women’s Writing (2001), Féminités et masculinityés dans le texte narratif (2002), George Sand: La réception hors de France au XIXe siècle (2003), “I Have Heard About You”: Foreign Women’s Writing Crossing the Dutch Border (2004), Belle de Zuylen / Isabelle de Charrière: Education, Creation, Reception (2006). She is founding editor (2005) of the Cahiers Isabelle de Charrière / Belle de Zuylen Papers. She is currently preparing books on Dutch discourse about women’s writing (1750–1900) and on Madame Riccoboni and her audiences, and coediting the proceedings of the first conference of the NEWW project, to be entitled Women Writers at the Crossroads of Languages, 1700–2000.

Jane de Gay is Senior Lecturer in English and Director of M.A. Programs in Humanities at Leeds Trinity and All Saints (an accredited institution of the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom). She is the author of Virginia Woolf’s Novels and the Literary Past (2006).

Anke Gilleir is Associate Professor of Modern German Literature at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium). Her research interests include Weimar classicism, German women’s literature (eighteenth- to twentieth-century), historiography of literature, literature as cultural heritage, and minority literature in Europe. She has recently published (with Eva Kormann and Angelika Schlimmer) Textmaschinenkörper...

