In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Bibliography of Books and Articles Published in English on Colonialism and Imperialism in 2007
  • Marcella Fultz MLS, Compiler
Marcella Fultz MLS, Compiler
Towson University


Adair, W. Gilbert. American Epic Novel in the Late Twentieth Century: The Super Genre of the Imperial State. Lewiston: Mellen, 2007.
Adams, Julia. The Familial State: Ruling Families and Merchant Capitalism in Early Modern Europe. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2007.
Adorno, Rolena. The Polemics of Possession in Spanish American Narrative. New Haven: Yale UP, 2007.
Adu-Opako, Kwaku. Washing the Negro White: The Evolution of Thinking on African Economic Development. Trenton: Africa World P, 2007.
Aguilar, Mario I., ed. Rethinking Age in Africa: Colonial, Post-Colonial, and Contemporary Interpretations of Cultural Representations. Trenton: Africa World P, 2007.
Aitken, Richard. Botanical Riches: Stories of Botanical Exploration. Aldershot: Lund Humphries, 2007.
Akol, Lam. Southern Sudan: Colonialism, Resistance, and Autonomy. Trenton: Red Sea P, 2007.
Aksan, Virginia H., and Daniel Goffman, eds. The Early Modern Ottomans: Remapping the Empire. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2007.
Alam, Fakrul. Imperial Entanglements and Literature in English. Dhaka:, 2007.
Alam, S. M. Shamsul. Rethinking Mau Mau in Colonial Kenya. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
Alao, Akin. Statesmanship on the Bench: The Judicial Career of Sir Adetokunbo Ademola (CJN), 1939–1972. Trenton: Africa World P, 2007.
Aldrich, Robert, ed. The Age of Empires. London: Thames & Hudson, 2007.
Almqvist, Kurt, and Isabella Thomas, eds. Empire and the Future World Order: Perspectives from the Engelsberg Seminar 2005. Stockholm: Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation, 2007.
Alpers, Edward A., Gwyn Campbell, and Michael Salman, eds. Resisting Bondage in Indian Ocean Africa and Asia. London: Routledge, 2007.
Amory, Hugh, and David D. Hall, eds. The Colonial Book in the Atlantic World. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P in association with the American Antiquarian Society, 2007.
Anderson, Clare. The Indian Uprising of 1857–8: Prisons, Prisoners and Rebellion. London: Anthem P, 2007.
Anderson, Emma. The Betrayal of Faith: The Tragic Journey of a Colonial Native Convert. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2007.
Andrews, James Robertson, ed. Rhetoric, Religion, and the Roots of Identity in British Colonial America. East Lansing: Michigan State UP, 2007.
Angelov, Dimiter. Imperial Ideology and Political Thought in Byzantium (1204–1330). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2007.
Attewell, Guy N. A. Refiguring Unani Tibb: Plural Healing in Late Colonial India. New Delhi: Orient Longman, 2007.
Ayala, Cesar J., and Rafael Bernabe. Puerto Rico in the American Century: A History since 1898. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 2007.
Aydin, Cemil. The Politics of Anti-Westernism in Asia: Visions of World Order in Pan-Islamic and Pan-Asian Thought. New York: Columbia UP, 2007.
Backhaus, Gary, and John Murungi, eds. Colonial and Global Interfacing: Imperial Hegemonies and Democratizing Resistances. New Castle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publ, 2007.
Bahari, Razif. Pramoedya Postcolonially: (Re-)Viewing History, Gender and Identity in the Buru Tetralogy. Bali: Pustaka Larasan, 2007.
Baker, Anne. Heartless Immensity: Literature, Culture, and Geography in Antebellum America. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 2007.
Ballantyne, Tony. Between Colonialism and Diaspora: Sikh Cultural Formations in an Imperial World. New Delhi: Permanent Black, 2007.
Banivanua-Mar, Tracey. Violence and Colonial Dialogue: The Australian-Pacific Indentured Labor Trade. Honolulu: U of Hawai'i P, 2007.
Baofu, Peter. Beyond the World of Titans, and the Remaking of World Order: A Preface to a New Logic of Empire Building. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publ, 2007.
Barringer, T. J., Geoff Quilley, and Douglas Fordham, eds. Art and the British Empire. Manchester: Manchester UP, 2007.
Bassey, Stanley Chinonye. Politics in Africa. Bariga, Lagos: Premum, 2007.
Beal, Clifford. Quelch’s Gold: Piracy, Greed, and Betrayal in Colonial New England. Westport: Praeger, 2007.
Begam, Richard, and Michael Valdez Moses, eds. Modernism and Colonialism: British and Irish Literature, 1899–1939. Durham: Duke UP, 2007.
Beidler, Philip D. American Wars, American Peace: Notes from a...
