In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors

Terry Eagleton is Thomas Warton Professor of English Literature at the University of Oxford and a Fellow of St. Catherine’s College. His latest book is The Idea of Culture (2000).

Christopher Hanlon recently received his Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. His current work concerns the intersections of psychoanalysis, pragmatism, and American narratives of self-invention. His interview with Slavoj Žižek took place in New York City on 15 October 1999.

Penelope Ingram is Assistant Professor of English at Auburn University. She has published articles in Cultural Critique, Feminist Review, and Philosophy and Literature. She is currently at work on a manuscript entitled, Racializing the Nation: Reading Race and Witnessing Whiteness in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.

Joshua Landy is Assistant Professor at Stanford University, where he teaches French literature. He is co-editor of Thematics: New Approaches (1995), has contributed to the forthcoming Cambridge Companion to Proust, and is currently completing a book on Self, Deception and Knowledge in Marcel Proust.

Bruce Lawder teaches at the University of Zurich. His poems and short stories have appeared in various literary journals in England, the United States, and Switzerland. He also writes art criticism. Vers le vers, a book of essays on modern poetry, was published in 1993. He is currently completing a series of essays on representation and disfiguration entitled Monstrous Vision.

Jerome McGann is the John Stewart Bryan Professor of English at the University of Virginia. This interview is the conclusion to his forthcoming book, Byron and Romanticism. Also currently in press is A Little Closer to the Moon: Humanities Computing after W3, which integrates an historical account of the crucial years 1993-2000 with a new theory of textuality.

Tony Myers teaches English literature at the University of Stirling. He has articles forthcoming on Jean-Francois Lyotard, Jacques Lacan, Fredric Jameson, Slavoj Žižek, William Gibson, and postmodernism.

James Soderholm is Associate Professor of British and American Literature currently teaching and researching on a Fulbright grant at Charles University in Prague. Author of Fantasy, Forgery, and the Byron Legend (1996) and editor of Beauty and the Critic: Aesthetics in an Age of Cultural Studies (1997), he is now completing a manuscript on Wordsworth, Byron, and their famous dislike for [End Page 217] each other. He is also editor of the forthcoming collection of essays by Jerome McGann, Byron and Romanticism (2001).

Magnus Ullén is a doctoral candidate at Uppsala University (Sweden) in the Department of Literature. His thesis, “The Half-Vanished Structure: Allegory and Symmetry in Hawthorne Romances,” will be published this year.

Glenn Willmott is Associate Professor of English at Queen’s University in Canada. He is the author of McLuhan, or Modernism in Reverse (1996) and the forthcoming Unreal Country: Modernity and the Canadian Novel in English. He is currently preparing a book on Native Legend and Modern Appropriation.

A. Zee holds a joint appointment as Professor of Theoretical Physics at the Institute for Theoretical Physics and at the Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara. He is the author of Fearful Symmetry (1986), An Old Man’s Toy (1989), Swallowing Clouds (1990), the forthcoming Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell, and numerous scholarly articles.

Slavoj Žižek is Senior Researcher at the Institute for Social Studies, Ljubljana, Slovenia. His most recent book is The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology. [End Page 218]


