In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Supplement to Emily Dickinson: A Descriptive Bibliography
  • Joel Myerson (bio)

This listing supplements my Emily Dickinson: A Descriptive Bibliography (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1984) by including new information found through 1993.

Section A lists chronologically all books by Dickinson, including all printings of all editions. Section B lists chronologically all miscellaneous collections of Dickinson's writings in English. Included are bilingual collections. Section C lists chronologically all titles in which material by Dickinson appears for the first time in a book or pamphlet. Entries within a year are arranged alphabetically when exact publication information is not known. Section D lists chronologically all first American and English publications in newspapers and magazines of material by Dickinson.

The numbering system employed in the bibliography indicates the edition and printing for each entry. Thus, for Poems, A 1.1.a indicates that this is the first tide by Dickinson published (A 1), and that the entry describes the first edition (1), first printing (a). Issues are indicated by subscript numbers—thus A 3.1.b2 is the second issue of the second printing of Letters of Emily Dickinson.

Revisions or corrections of previously published material are indicated by giving the page number of the 1984 bibliography on which the original [End Page 87] material appears. If an entry is not keyed to a page number, then it is completely new information. Further information about the arrangement and terminology of Emily Dickinson: A Descriptive Bibliography may be found in the introduction, pp. xiii-xvii.

I have listed locations for the books examined using the following symbols:

BL British Library, London
JM Collection of Joel Myerson
Lowenberg Collection of Carlton Lowenberg
MA Amherst College
MAJ Jones Library, Amherst
ScU University of South Carolina
WU University of Wisconsin

Books listed in 1984 as being in the collection of William White are now at the University of Virginia.

In compiling this listing, I am grateful to the staffs of the British Library and the University of South Carolina for help in using their collections. I am especially grateful to John Lancaster of Amherst College for sharing with me information about recent acquisitions at his institution. I thank the following people for assistance: Alan Brasher, Ashley Brown, Willis J. Buckingham, R. W. Franklin, Armida Gilbert, Harrison Hayford, Alfred G. Litton, Carlton Lowenberg, and James B. Meriwether.

Section A: Separate Publications


A 1.1.a

First American edition, first printing (1890)

Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1890.

Contents (p. 3): Change 'IV' to 'IV.'

Location (p. 5): Binding B: JM. [End Page 88]

Note eight: A set of bound sheets measuring 18.1 x 12 cm. and bulking 14 mm., with top and bottom edges rough trimmed and front edges untrimmed, is at MA Point holes in the sheets indicate that they are handprinted. The sheets have been oversewn with a thick cord, a practice usually employed for editorial copies.

A 1.1.l

Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1892.

(p. 11): Medium olive (with bevelled edges) casings. Location: Collection of R. W. Franklin.

A 1.1.v

Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1902.

(p. 14): Three-piece (medium yellow-green shelfback with white covers) binding, or dark medium gray or medium olive V cloth (smooth), with bevelled edges. Location: JM.

A 1.1.x1

First issue

POEMS . . . I METHUEN & CO. I . . . STREET, W.C. I . . .

Publication: Advertised for 10 November in Bookman, 27 (November 1904): 66; listed in "Publications of the Week," Spectator, 12 November 1904, p. 747; listed for 19 January in "The Bookseller's Diary," Bookman, 27 (January 1905): 158; advertised in Athenaeum, no. 4029, 14 January 1905, p. 64; listed in "New Books of the Week," Glasgow Herald, 19 January 1905, p. 9. Reviewed in T. P.'s Weekly (London), 5 (20 January 1905): 107.

A 1.1.x2

Second issue

London: Methuen, [1905].

Note one (p. 15): [Old Note].

Note two: This issue may be the one listed in "Spring Announcements—Messrs. Methuen," Academy, 68 (March 1905): 306. [End Page 89]

A 1.1.jj

Favorite Poems of Emily Dickinson. New York: Avenel Books, [1978].

(p. 17): Reprintings have been noted with the following publisher's codes on the copyright page...

