In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to Volume 21 (2007)

Articles and Scholarship in Translation

Apo, Satu, The Relationship between Oral and Literary Tradition as a Challenge in Fairy Tale Research: The Case of Finnish Folktales, 19–33

Hawwas, Abd-El-Hameed, A Prologue Tale as Manifesto Tale: Establishing a Narrative Literary Form and the Formation of Arabian Nights, 65–77

Honeyman, Susan, Gingerbread Wishes and Candy(land) Dreams: The Lure of Food in Cautionary Tales of Consumption, 195–215

Joosen, Vanessa, Disenchanting the Fairy Tale: Retellings of "Snow White" between Magic and Realism, 228–39

Jorgensen, Jeana, A Wave of the Magic Wand: Fairy Godmothers in Contemporary American Media, 216–27

Kaliambou, Maria, The Transformation of Folktales and Fairy Tales into Popular Booklets, 50–64

Magnanini, Suzanne, Postulated Routes from Naples to Paris: The Printer Antonio Bulifon and Giambattista Basile's Fairy Tales in Seventeenth-Century France, 78–92

Raynard, Sophie, New Poetics versus Old Print: Fairy Tales, Animal Fables, and the Gaulois Past, 93–106

Riascos, Jaime, Ancient and Indigenous Stories: Their Ethics and Power Reflected in Latin American Storytelling Movements, 253–67

Robinson, Orrin W., Does Sex Breed Gender? Pronominal Reference in the Grimms' Fairy Tales, 107–23

Schenda, Rudolf, Semiliterate and Semi-Oral Processes (trans. Ruth B. Bottigheimer), 127–40

Trinquet, Charlotte, On the Literary Origins of Folkloric Fairy Tales: A Comparison between Madame d'Aulnoy's "Finette Cendron" and Frank Bourisaw's "Belle Finette," 34–49

Vaz da Silva, Francisco, Red as Blood, White as Snow, Black as Crow: Chromatic Symbolism of Womanhood in Fairy Tales, 240–52

Texts & Translations

Lane, Edward, The Prologue Tale, 143–48

Riascos, Jaime, The Toad Woman (trans. Robert M. Fedorchek), 271–77


Alzheimer-Haller, Heidrun, Handbuch zur narrativen Volksaufklärung: Moralische Geschichten, 1780–1848 (Alfred Messerli), 163–66

Beckett, Sandra L., Recycling Red Riding Hood (Cathy Preston), 300–02

Bernheimer, Kate, ed., Fairy Tale Review (Jennifer Orme), 149–51

Butler, Charles, Four British Fantasists: Place and Culture in the Children's Fantasies of Penelope Lively, Alan Garner, Diana Wynne Jones, and Susan Cooper (Justyna Deszcz Tryhubczak), 172–75

Campion-Vincent, Véronique, Organ Theft [End Page 315] Legends (Jon D. Lee), 177–79

Choisy, François-Timoléon de, Marie-Jeanne Lhéritier, and Charles Perrault, The Story of the Marquise-Marquis de Banneville (Caroline Jumel), 160–63

El-Shamy, Hasan M., Types of the Folktale in the Arab World: A Demographically Oriented Tale-Type Index (Roger Allen), 288–91

Frank, Diana Crone, and Jeffrey Frank, sel. and trans., The Stories of Hans Christian Andersen (Kirsten Møllegaard), 157–60

Galley, Micheline, ed., Le Figuier magique et autres contes algériens dits par Aouda (Ibrahim Muhawi), 152–54

Gatto, Giuseppe, La Fiaba di Tradizione Orale (Andrew Giarelli), 293–97

Gould, Joan, Spinning Straw into Gold: What Fairy Tales Reveal about the Transformations in a Woman's Life (Ravit Raufman), 305–07

Jasmin, Nadine, ed., Madame d'Aulnoy: Contes des Fées, suivis des Contes nouveaux ou Les Fées à la Mode (Theresa Anne Jordan), 154–57

Kudszus, W. G., Terrors of Childhood in Grimms' Fairy Tales (Jack Zipes), 175–77

Maspero, Gaston, ed., Popular Stories of Ancient Egypt, introd. Hasan El-Shamy (Roger Allen), 288–91

Mendlesohn, Farah, Diana Wynne Jones: Children's Literature and the Fantastic Tradition (Justyna Deszcz-Tryhubczak), 307–10

Patard, Geneviève, ed., Madame de Murat: Contes (Ute Heidmann), 280–83

Rieken, Bernd, Arachne und ihre Schwestern: Eine Motivgeschichte der Spinne von den "Naturvölkermärchen" bis zu den "Urban Legends" (Seth Knox), 166–68

Robert, Raymonde, ed., Contes: Mademoiselle Lhériter, Mademoiselle Bernard, Mademoiselle de La Force, Madame Durand, and Madame d'Auneuil (Theresa Anne Jordan), 154–57

Siikala, Anna-Leena, and Jukka Siikala, Return to Culture: Oral Tradition and Society in the Southern Cook Islands (Guido Carlo Pigliasco), 291–93

Stanton, Joseph, The Important Books: Children's Picture Books as Art and Literature (Stephen Canham), 168–72

Sveinsson, Einar Ólafur, The Folk-Stories of Iceland (W. F. H. Nicolaisen), 283–88

Vecchioni, Roberto, Diario di un gatto con gli stivali (Luisa Rubini Messerli), 302–05

Weinstein, Amy, Once upon a Time: Illustrations from Fairytales, Fables, Primers, Pop-Ups, and Other Children's Books (Stephen Canham), 168–72...

