In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • About the Contributors/Quelques mots sur nos collaboratrices

Jane Bailey is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Law, Common Law Section, at the University of Ottawa, where she teaches cyberfeminism, contracts, and civil procedure. Her current research areas focus on the intersections between law, equality, privacy, and technology.

Lori Chambers is an associate professor of women's studies at Lakehead University, where she teaches feminist theory, queer studies, and courses in women's legal history and contemporary legal issues. She is the author of Married Women's Property Law in Victorian Ontario (Toronto: Osgoode Society for Legal History and the University of Toronto Press, 1997) and Misconceptions: Unwed Mothers and the Law in Ontario, 1921–1969 (Toronto: Osgoode Society for Legal History and the University of Toronto Press, 2007).

Pascale Fournier (LL.B. (Laval) 1997, Barreau du Québec 1998, LL.M. (Toronto) 2000, S.J.D. (Harvard) 2007) est professeure adjointe à la faculté de droit de l'université d'Ottawa et chercheure associée au Centre de recherche et d'enseignement sur les droits de la personne (Canada) et au Centre for the Study of Religion and Politics (Écosse). Ses recherches et son enseignement portent sur le droit et le langage à l'ère de la globalisation des marchés et des idées, droits des femmes et Islam au Canada et à l'étranger, et droits socio-économiques, éducation et pauvreté. Pascale a enseigné le droit des femmes et les droits de la personne à the Institute for Women's Studies and Research en Iran (2003), à l'université pour la paix au Costa Rica (2005) et à l'université d'État d'Haïti (2007). Elle siège à titre de membre du conseil d'administration de la Fondation Paul Gérin-Lajoie et de Jeunesse Canada Monde et est également mentor auprès de la Fondation canadienne des bourses de mérite.

Caroline Hodes is a Ph.D. candidate in women's studies at York University. Her research to date has been funded by the Helena Orton Memorial Scholarship Fund, the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Ontario Graduate Scholarship Program, Women and Human Rights North American Mobility Grant, the Margaret R. Awards, and York University Graduate Scholarships.

Marie-Ève Phaneuf Diplômée en 2006 du programme national de droit de l'Université McGill, Marie-Ève Phaneuf termine actuellement son stage de [End Page 373] formation professionnelle au bureau d'aide juridique, division criminelle de Montréal.

Anu Pylkkänen (LL.D) is a research fellow (Academy of Finland) in the Faculty of Law at the University of Helsinki in Finland. Her research covers a wide range of topics related to law and gender in a historical perspective, especially the Nordic history of family law. She is a co-editor and co-author of several volumes discussing the Nordic model of equality. Her current research project deals with the construction of legal personality in the history of Finnish law.

Adrienne Telford is an articling student at a labour and human rights law firm, Cavalluzzo Hayes Shilton McIntyre & Cornish, in Toronto. She is a recent graduate of the English common law program at the University of Ottawa, where her studies and research focused on critical legal theory and social justice law.


