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Nineteenth Century French Studies 30.3 & 4 (2002) 425-427

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Bibliographie des écrivains français. Marie-Françoise Melmoux-Montaubin, ed. Editions Memini

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Itinéraires du XIXe Siècle II. Roland Le Huenen and Stéphane Vachon, eds. Kelly Library, St. Michael's College

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L'Instinct voyageur: Creazione dell'io e scrittura del mondo in Chateaubriand. Filippo Martellucci, ed. UNIPRESS

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Les Arts de l'hallucination. Donata Pesenti Campagnonoi and Paolo Tortonese, eds. Presses de la Sorbonne

Cahiers Octave Mirbeau. No 8. Pierre Michel, ed. Societée Octave Mirbeau

Joseph de Maistre's Life, Thought, and Influence: Selected Studies. Richard. A. Lebrun, ed. McGill-Queen's UP

Victor Hugo. Quatrevingt-Treize. Le Livre de Poche Classique. Michel Zink and Michel Jarrety, eds. Librairie Générale Française

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Alexander, R.S. Napoleon. Oxford UP

Beecher, Jonathan. Victor Considerant and the Rise and Fall of French Romantic Socialism. U of California Press

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Chotard, Loïc. Approches du XIXe siècle. PU Sorbonne

Corbière, Édouard. Les Pilotes de l'Iroise. Jacques-Remi Dahan, ed. José Corti

Barbey d'Aurevilly. Le Plus Bel Amour de Don Juan. Judith Lyon-Caen, ed. Librairie Générale Française

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Eugene, Eric. Richard et Cosima Wagner, Arthur Gobineau: Correspondance (1880/1882). Nizet

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Laforgue, Pierre. Romanticoco Fantaisie, chimère et mélancolie (1830-1860). PU Vincennes

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Löwy, Michael, and Robert Sayre. Romanticism Against the Tide of Modernity. Catherine Porter, trans. Duke UP

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