In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Announcements

Journées d'Informatique Musicale 2008

The 2008 Journées d'Informatique Musicale (Computer Music Days) will take place in Albi, France, 27–29 March 2008. The themes for the meeting are Interfaces for the Creation of Sound and Music, and Spaces and Sound Spatialization. Topic areas include tools for musical analysis, formalization and representation of musical structures, automatic composition, modeling and simulation of sound and perception, and research center reports.


SEAMUS at Salt Lake

The 2008 National Conference of the Society for Electroacoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS) will be held in Salt Lake City 3–5 April 2008. This year's conference is dedicated to Vladimir Ussachevsky, who was in residence at the University of Utah from 1970 to 1990, and will highlight his piece Colloquy for orchestra and tape, premiered by the Utah Symphony in 1976.


Electroacoustic Music Studies Network in Paris

The annual Electroacoustic Music Studies (EMS) Network International Conference of 2008 will take place in Paris 3–6 June 2008. The theme for the event is "Musique concrète—60 years later" with reference to the pioneering work of Pierre Schaeffer and others, many of whom worked in the same city where the conference will take place. The focus will be on the relationship between sound and music, so topics will include strategies for creating new sounds, the influence of tools on music, how sounds contribute to building musical structures, and the recurring EMS theme of terminology in the field. The increasingly active EMS Asian Network (EMSAN) track will also be featured throughout the conference in presentations and performance. Prior to the meeting, there will be a special study session on the sociopolitical implications of electro-acoustic music, Composing Today.


Sonic Interaction Design

A workshop entitled Sonic Interaction Design: Sound, Interaction, and Experience will be held in Florence, Italy, on 6 April 2008 during the annual Computer / Human Interaction (CHI) conference. The goal of the workshop is to "gather research and creation efforts in sound technology, design, art, music, and psychology into a coherent body of knowledge capable of assisting the design of the sonic appearance of future environments, events and artifacts." The workshop is organized as part of a European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST) action which created four Sound Interaction Design working groups: (1) Perceptual, cognitive, and emotional studies of sonic interactions, (2) Product sound design, (3) Interactive art and music, and (4) Sonification.


Electroacoustic Music in Santa Fe

The Contemporary Music Program of the College of Santa Fe has scheduled the twelfth annual International Festival of Electroacoustic Music in Santa Fe, New Mexico, 3–6 March 2008. This year featured guests are to include Gordon Mumma as the Composer in Residence, Ulrike Brand as a performer, and Olivia Block as both a composer and performer.


Algorithmic Music at UCSC

The sixth Workshop in Algorithmic Computer Music (WACM) is scheduled for 3–6 March 2008 at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Participants will work with an instruction team lead by David Cope, and study basic techniques of algorithmic composition and analysis using the LISP programming language. Software will be developed for a Markov-based rules program, a genetic algorithm, and a project modeled on the Experiments in Musical Intelligence program.


Interactive Music in Bergen

The second Bergen Interactive Music Conference (BIMUC 08) is scheduled to take place 28–30 April 2008 in Bergen, Norway. The focus is on challenges for music education in schools, universities, communities, and art institutions in bringing new approaches to music in learning and creative and artistic development to young people.

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