In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Report:Online Services

■ Bioethics Forum

Recent highlights:

  • "Arthritis Gene Therapy Trials and Tribulations"

    By Chris Evans

    The gene therapy trial in which Jolee Mohr died raises questions about study design, regulatory oversight, and data reporting.

  • "The 2007 Draft Declaration of Helsinki—Plus ça Change . . . ?"

    By Harald Schmidt and Annette Schulz-Baldes

    The World Medical Association's just-released draft version of the Declaration of Helsinki contains a number of significant changes, including some that raise important questions about its scope and status.

  • "Reprogrammed Skin Cells and Other Monkey Business"

    By Josephine Johnston

    The advance in adult stem cell research does not mean that ethical (and legal) issues will vanish altogether.

  • "Monkey See, Monkey Do: Primate SCNT Stem Cells Have Arrived—Now What?"

    By Insoo Hyun

    The Mitalipov team's breakthrough should not make us jump to hasty conclusions about the possibilities for human reproductive cloning.

  • Also: Nancy Berlinger looks at the limits of "genetic genealogy," Susan Gilbert examines the Food and Drug Administration Revitalization Act, Joel Marks wonders whether attempting to reduce dissections by breeding frogs with transparent skin is really as kind as it sounds, and Erik Parens calls on the New York Times to turn a more critical eye toward genetic research. [End Page 5]


