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  • About the Contributors/Quelques mots sur nos collaboratrices

MELINA BUCKLEY is a lawyer and legal policy consultant working primarily in constitutional and human rights, access to justice, and dispute resolution. She is counsel to the Canadian Bar Association in its test case litigation on the constitutional right to civil legal aid and has represented intervenors in several cases at the Supreme Court of Canada including in Symes, Meiorin, Little Sisters, Via Rail, and Christie. She holds a Ph.D. in law from the University of British Columbia.

GWEN BRODSKY, LL.B. (University of Victoria, 1981); LL.M. (Harvard, 1994); Ph.D. (Osgoode Hall, 1999), practises, writes, teaches in the areas of human rights law and constitutional law. She has acted as counsel on many Charter equality rights cases, including Andrews, Swain, Mossop, Thibaudeau, Gould, Vriend, Meiorin, and Gosselin. She has taught in the University of British Columbia Faculty of Law and in the Akitsiraq Law Program in Iqaluit. She has written extensively about equality rights theory, human rights law, and the Charter. She was the first litigation director of the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund. She is a director of the Poverty and Human Rights Centre.

RACHEL COX est chercheure indépendante et avocate spécialisée dans les droits de la personne. Depuis dix ans, elle fait de la recherche et de la recherche-action dans le domaine du travail, surtout avec des groupes de femmes. Ses publications incluent « Pour en faire un véritable emploi : des stratégies pour améliorer les conditions de travail des responsables de services de garde en milieu familial » (Ottawa : Condition féminine Canada, 2005). Elle a également publié dans les domaines de la santé et de la sécurité au travail, de l’aide sociale, de l’effet discriminatoire des tests de sélection et des prestations de maternité et prestations parentales. Elle est en train de faire son doctorat en droit Á l’Université d’Ottawa.

SHELAGH DAY is an expert on women’s human rights, with many years of experience working with governments and non-governmental organizations. She was the first Human Rights Officer in the Province of British Columbia, the director of the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission, the first president of the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF), and a founder of the Court Challenges Program. Currently, she is a director of the Poverty and Human Rights Centre, and co-chair of the Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action. She publishes the Canadian Human Rights Reporter. Shelagh has written extensively on women’s equality rights and human rights, [End Page 373] and is co-editor of a new book entitled Poverty: Rights, Social Citizenship and Legal Activism (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007). She works internationally, appearing on behalf of Canadian women before United Nations treaty bodies when they are examining Canada’s compliance with its international human rights obligations.

MARY EBERTS was retained by the Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) in 1992 to work on its claim for a seat at the table during the Charlottetown Accord negotiations. She has continued to do counsel work for the NWAC since that time, focusing on constitutional, membership, and violence issues at the Supreme Court of Canada and trial and appellate courts in various Canadian jurisdictions. Mary received her B.A. and LL.B. from University of Western Ontario and her LL.M. from Harvard. She taught in the Faculty of Law at the University of Toronto and has held the Gordon Henderson Chair in Human Rights in the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa. Mary is a co-founder of the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund and was first chair of its National Legal Committee. She practises constitutional, equality, and Aboriginal law throughout Canada from an office in Toronto. Her honours include the Governor-General’s Gold Medal in Honour of the Persons Case and the Law Society Medal.

JENNIFER KOSHAN is an associate professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of Calgary. Her research and teaching interests are in the areas of constitutional law, human rights, violence against women, feminist legal theory, and public interest advocacy.

DIANA MAJURY teaches in...

