In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Volume 45, 2007 Index

Victorian Poetry

159 Carolyn F. Austin Mastering the Ineffable: Dante Gabriel Rossetti's “The Vase of Life” and the Kantian Sublime
175 Marie Banfield Darwinism, Doxology, and Energy Physics: The New Sciences, the Poetry and the Poetics of Gerard Manley Hopkins
239 Ayşe Çelikkol Dionysian Music, Patriotic Sentiment, and Tennyson's Idylls of the King
429 Lauren Caldwell Truncating Coleridgean Conversation and the Re-visioning of “Dover Beach”
135 Karen Dieleman Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Religious Poetics: Congregationalist Models of Hymnist and Preacher
17 E. Frances Frame Shaping the Self: Critical Perspective and Community in Sohrab and Rustum
415 Antony H. Harrison Christina Rossetti: Illness and Ideology
95 John Hughes “Hang there like fruit, my soul”: Tennyson's Feminine Imagining
391 Simon Humphries The Uncertainty of Goblin Market
257 Nicholas A. Joukovsky George Meredith's Early Verse: A New Manuscript in His First Wife's Hand
209 Joshua King Hopkins' Affective Rhythm: Grace and Intention in Tension [End Page 2]
49 Lorraine Janzen Kooistra Poetry in the Victorian Marketplace: The Illustrated Princess as a Christmas Gift Book
77 Mark Llewellyn “Pagan Moore”: Poetry, Painting, and Passive Masculinity in George Moore's Flowers of Passion (1877) and Pagan Poems (1881)
349 Peter Merchant Winking Through The Chinks: Eros And Ellipsis In Robert Browning's “Love Among The Ruins”
29 Heather Morton “A Church of Himself ”: Liberal Skepticism and Consistent Character in Bishop Blougram's Apology
1 David Rampton Back to the Future: Lionel -Trilling, “The Scholar-Gipsy,” and the State of Victorian Poetry
117 Jill Richards “The History of Error”: Hardy's Critics and the Self Unseen
369 Michael Sanders Constellating Chartist Poetry: Gerald Massey, Walter Benjamin, and the Uses Of Messianism
179 Aakanksha J. Virkar Gerard Manley Hopkins and the Song of Songs
263 Year's Work in Victorian Poetry [End Page 3]

