In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received
Altman, Carol S., Enfance… inspiration littéraire et cinématographique. Birmingham, AL, Summa, 2006. xi + 323 pp. Hb $56.95.
Anderson, James M., Daily Life During the French Revolution. Westport, Greenwood Press, 2007. xx + 268 pp.
André, Valérie and Bruno Bernard, eds, Le XVIIIe, un siécle de décadence? Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles, 2006. 222 pp. Pb €23.00.
Beam, Sara, Laughing Matters: Farce and the Making of Absolutism in France. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 2007. xi + 268 pp. Hb £29.50; $55.00.
Birberick, Anne L. and Russell Ganim, eds, The Cloister and the World: Early Modern Convent Voices. Guest Editor, Thomas M. Carr, Jr. Charlottesville, Rookwood Press, 2007. viii + 267 pp.
Blanc, André, Histoire de la Comédie-Franc¸aise: de Moliére à Talma. Paris, Perrin, 2007. 514 pp. Pb €24.80.
Boillet, Élise, L’Arétin et la Bible. Geneva, Droz, 2007. 588 pp.
Bourgeois, Muriel, ed., Pascal: a-t-il écrit les ‘Pensées’?. Toulouse, Presses universitaires du Mirail, 2007. 276 pp. Pb €22.00.
Bourguignon, Katherine M., ed., Impressionist Giverny: A Colony of Artists, 1885–1915. Essays by Nina Lubbren, Kathleen Pyne and Margaret Werth. Giverny, Terra Foundation for American Art, 2007. 224 pp. Pb £30.00; $49.00.
Butterworth, Emily, Poisoned Words: Slander and Satire in Early Modern France. Oxford, Legenda, 2006. x + 112 pp. Hb £30.00; $65.00.
Clarke, Desmond M., Descartes: A Biography. Cambridge University Press, 2006. xi + 507 pp. Hb £25.00; $40.00.
Connon, Derek, Identity and Transformation in the Plays of Alexis Piron. Oxford, Legenda, 2007. x + 182 pp. Hb £45.00; $69.00.
Cook, Malcolm, Bernardin de Saint-Pierre: A Life of Culture. Oxford, Legenda, 2006. xi + 182 pp. Hb £45.00; $69.00.
Cooper, Sarah, Selfless Cinema? Ethics and French Documentary. Oxford, Legenda, 2006. viii + 102 pp. Hb £35.00; $65.00.
Cousins, Russell, Ron Hallmark and Ian Pickup, Studying and Working in France: A Student’s Guide. Second edition. Manchester University Press, 2007. vii + 357 pp. Pb £10.00.
Debrauwere-Miller, Nathalie, Envisager Dieu avec Edmond Jabés. Paris, Éditions du Cerf, 2007. 316 pp. Pb €25.00.
Enlightenment and Tradition. Women’s Studies. Montesquieu. (SVEC 2006:07). Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2007. xi + 316 pp. Pb £69.00; $135.00; €105.00.
Études rabelaisiennes. Tome XLIV. Varia. Geneva, Droz, 2007. 124 pp.
Fauvel, Maryse, Scénes d’intérieur: six romanciers des années 1980–1990. Birmingham, AL, Summa, 2007. x + 217 pp. Hb $42.95.
Forcer, Stephen, Modernist Song: The Poetry of Tristan Tzara. Oxford, Legenda, 2006. x + 146 pp. Hb £45.00; $69.00.
Garrie, Henri, Portraits de villes: marches et cartes: la représentation urbaine dans les discours contemporains. Paris, Champion, 2007. 571 pp. Hb €105.00. [End Page 574]
Gascoigne, David, The Games of Fiction: Georges Perec and Modern French Ludic Narrative. Bern, Peter Lang, Pb £38.00; $64.95; €54.30.
Gautier, Théophile, L’Hirondelle et le Corbeau: écrits sur Gérard de Nerval. Introduction et notes de Michel Brix et Hisashi Mizuno. Bassac, Plein Chant, 2007. 222 pp. Pb €20.00.
Genre, A., ed., Antoine Héroët le poète, le prélat et son temps: par élévation d’esprit. Paris, Champion, 2007. 470 pp. Hb €61.44.
Gilby, Emma, Sublime Worlds: Early Modern French Literature. Oxford, Legenda, 2006. Hb £45.00; $69.00.
Goodkin, Richard E., ed., In Memory of Elaine Marks: Life Writing, Writing Death. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2007. vii + 256 pp.
Hargreaves, Alec C., Multi-Ethnic France: Immigration, Politics, Culture and Society. Second edition. London, Routledge, 2007. xiii + 265 pp. Pb £20.99.
Harris, Joseph, Hidden Agendas: Cross-Dressing in Seventeenth Century France. Tubingen, GNV, 2006. 280 pp.
Heller, Sarah-Grace, Fashion in Medieval France. Woodbridge, D. S. Brewer, 2007. ix + 206 pp. Hb £50.00.
Hibbitt, Richard, Dilettantism and its Values: From Weimar Classicism to the Fin de Siècle. Oxford, Legenda, 2006. x + 192 pp. Hb £45.00; $69.00.
Hitchcott, Nicki, Calixthe Beyala: Performances of Migration. Liverpool University Press, 2006. vii + 190 pp. Hb £40.00.
Holden, A. J., ed., History of William Marshall. Volume II. Text and Translation (II. 10032...

