In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors

Shane Agin is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at Johns Hopkins University. He is currently completing a dissertation on the aesthetics of Denis Diderot.

Wilda Anderson is Professor of French in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at Johns Hopkins University. She is the author of Between the Library and the Laboratory: The Language of Chemistry in Eighteenth-Century France (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984), and Diderot’s Dream (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990).

Guillaume Ansart is Associate Professor of French at Indiana University, Bloomington. He is the author of Réflexion utopique et pratique romanesque au siècle des Lumières: Prévost, Rousseau, Sade (Paris: Minard, 1999) and of articles on Pascal, Prévost, Marivaux, Diderot and Rousseau.

Susan Blood is Associate Professor of French at the University at Albany. She is the author of Baudelaire and the Aesthetics of Bad Faith, Stanford University Press, 1997.

Marius Conceatu is a graduate student in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at Johns Hopkins University. He is at work on a dissertation dealing with the role and importance of English language and culture in the work of Marcel Proust. Broadening its scope from an analysis of the anglicisms in the Recherche to a study of the deeper and previously unsuspected ways in which the English language interferes with other elements in Proust’s literary discourse, the dissertation will attempt to convey a new sense of the cultural identity and linguistic multiplicity in Proust’s work.

Gérard Defaux is Professor of French at Johns Hopkins Univesity. His many publications include Marot, Rabelais, Montaigne : l’écriture comme présence; Le curieux, le glorieux et la sagesse du monde dans la première moitié du XVIe siècle; Molière ou les métamorphoses du comique: de la comédie morale au triomphe de la folie; and Montaigne et le travail de l’amitié : du lit de mort d’Etienne de La Boétie aux essais de 1595 (Orléans: Paradigme, 2001). He has just published a critical edition of Hecatomphile, Les Fleurs de Poesie Françoyse (Paris: STFM, 2002). [End Page 940]

Jean M. Goulemot, a specialist in eighteenth-century French literature and intellectual history, is a member of the Institut universitaire de France and holds the title of Professeur émérite des universités. His works written in collaboration include L’Histoire de la vie privée, L’Histoire de l’édition francaise, L’Histoire des bibliothèques, and a two-volume work written with Paul Lidsky and Didier Masseau on Le Voyage en France: Anthologie des voyageurs européens en France (Paris: R. Laffont, Coll. “Boquins,” 1992–1995). Along with a large number of articles in such journals as Le Débat, Yale French Studies, and Critique, his most recent publications include a number of editions for the Livre de poche classique, including an edition of La Nouvelle Héloise forthcoming in 2002, and Adieu les philosophes. Que reste-t-il des Lumières? (Paris: Seuil, 2001).

Margaret E. Gray teaches twentieth-century French literature at Indiana University–Bloomington. The author of Postmodern Proust, she has also published on Georges Sand, Beckett, Camus, and the Belgian writer Toussaint. Her manuscript on gender politics, display, and hypervisibility in modern French and Francophone narrative is under review for publication.

Robert Mankin teaches British Civilization at the Institut Charles V, University of Paris VII. His work centers around David Hume, Edward Gibbon and their continental contacts.

Jacques Neefs is Professor of French Literature at the Université de Paris VIII—Vincennes-Saint-Denis and Louis Marin Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Johns Hopkins University. He is also the head of the Programme Flaubert at the CNRS Institut des textes et manuscrits modernes. He has published numerous works on the history and theory of the novel, on la critique génétique, and on Flaubert and Perec. He recently edited an edition of Flaubert’s Madame Bovary (Le livre de Poche classique, 1999), and is currently collaborating on an edition of the complete works of Flaubert for the Bibliothèque de la Pléiade at Editions Gallimard.

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