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BOOK REVIEWS 447 Nietzsche's vaunted recognition of the connection between language and thought is anticipated by Lange. Lange's influence can also be detected in Nietzsche's critique of dogmatic mechanism and atomism, as well as in his sceptical rejection of both materialism and idealism. On the other hand, Stack's claims concerning the Langean roots of Nietzsche's ideas concerning eternal recurrence and the will to power are unconvincing , as is his suggestion that Lange inspired Nietzsche's critique of Platonism, Christianity, and socialism. The more important link between Lange's "standpoint of the ideal" and Nietzsche's call upon philosophy to create new values and new myths is, however, well documented. Though Stack certainly succeeds in demonstrating Nietzsche's enormous debt to Lange, he occasionally overstates his own case and asserts direct influence on the basis of very slender evidence. Particularly problematic is his confident assertion that Nietzsche was familiar with the greatly expanded second edition of Lange's Geschichte prior to 1882. Fortunately, the overall argument for Lange's influence does not depend upon this controversial assumption (which is disputed by considerable evidence). One might also wish that Stack had paid somewhat more attention to other influences on Nietzsche. Schopenhauer's influence is particularly neglectd, as is that of Kant himself. Lange, after all, was by no means the sole source of Nietzsche's "Kantianism." H61derlin, Strauss, Emerson, Wagner, and, above all, the pre-Socratics would also have to be taken into account in any balanced study of the influences on Nietzsche's development . But Stack does not claim to have written such a general study. Near the beginning of his long book he declares that, "looking for the pre-form of Nietzsche's critical and constructive philosophical explorations in Lange's Geschichte provides what I believe is a fruitful, fresh approach to Nietzsche's multidimensional philosophy," and no reader will want to quarrel with this statement. To be sure, Stack has not told the whole story of Nietzsche's intellectual development, but the part he tells is both extremely important and widely unknown. Dozens of new books on Nietzsche are published each year, only a few of which are worth re-reading (indeed, all too few are worth reading once). Professor Stack's book is one of the rare ones and represents a permanent contribution to Nietzsche studies. For the serious student of Nietzsche's development, Nietzsche and Lange is "a real treasure-house to be looked into and read repeatedly." DANIEL BREAZEALE University of Kentucky BOOKS RECEIVED Alfieri, Luigi. Nel labirinto. Quattro saggi su Nietzsche. Istituto di Filosofia del Diritto e di Studi Storico-Politici, Diretto dal Professor Vincenzo Palazzolo. Pubblicazioni della Facolta di Giurisprudenza della Universith di Pisa, 86. Milano: Dott. A. Guiffr6 Editore, 1984. Pp. 153. L. l 1,ooo. Allen, Michael J. B. The Platonism of Marsilio Ficino. A Study of His "Phaedrus" Commentary,Its Sourcesand Genesis. UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1984. Pp. xv + 284. $3o.oo. 448 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY 23:3 JULY 1985 Apel, Karl-Otto. Understanding and Explanation. A Transcendental-Pragmatic Perspective.Trans. by Georgia Warnke. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1984. Pp. xxii + 293. $25.oo. Aristotle. The Politics. Trans. with an Introduction, Notes, and Glossary by Carnes Lord. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 1984. Pp. 284. $35.oo. Bachelard, Gaston. The New Scientific Spirit. Trans. by Arthur Goldhammer. Boston: Beacon Press, 1984. Pp. xxiv + 19o. $22.95. Bahm, Arcbie J. Ethics. The Science of Oughtness. Abbreviated Edition. Albuquerque: Archie J. Bahm, ~984. Pp. 245. Paper, N.P. Baker, Robert and Frederick Elliston, eds. Philosophyand Sex. Buffalo: Prometheus Books, 1984. Pp. 524. Paper, $12.95. Bever, Thomas G., John M. Carroll, and Lance A. Miller, eds. Talking Minds. The Study of Language in the Cognitive Sciences. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1984. Pp. 283. Sx9.95Bloom , Edward A. and Lillian D. and Edmund Leites. Educating the Audience. Addison, Steele,and Eighteenth-Century Culture. Los Angeles: WilliamAndrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California, 1984. Pp. ix + 9 t. Paper, N.P. Boakes, Robert. From Darwin to Behaviorism. Psychology and the Minds of Animals. Cambridge: Cambridge...

