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432 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY 24:3 JULY I986 BOOKS RECEIVED Aune, Bruce. Metaphy~ir The Elements. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1985. Pp. xiv + =35. Cloth, $=5-oo. Paper, $12.95. Christian, James L. Philosophy:An Introduction to theArt of Wondering. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1986. Pp. xxiii + 613. N.P. Cochetti, Stefano. Mythos und "Dialektik der Au~rung." Monographien zur Philosophischen Forschung, Vol. ==9. K6nigsteingI's: Verlag Anton Hain Meisenheim GmbH., 1985. Pp. xxi + 4o6. Paper, DM 68. De Prospo, R.C. Theism in the DiacourseofJonat~n Edwards. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1985. Pp. =92. $37.5 o. The Philosophical Writings of Descartes. = vols. Translated by John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff, and Dugald Murdock. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985. Vol. a, Pp. xii + 418. Cloth, $44.5o. Paper, $1=.5o. Vol. =, Pp xi + 4=8. Cloth, $44.5o. Paper, $1=.5o. Eaton, Gai. Islam and the Destiny ofMan. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1985. Pp. =4z. Cloth, $36.5o. Paper, $i 1.95. Edel, Abraham. Interpreting Edt~ation. Selene, Ideolog% and Value. Vol. 3. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1985. Pp x + 34o. $=4.95. Haugeland, John. Artificial Intelligence: The VeryIdea. Cambridge: A Bradford Book, MIT Press, 1985. Pp- =87. $14.95. Hinchman, Lewis P. Hegel's Critique of the Enlight,,nment. Gainesville: University Presses of Florida , 1984. Pp. xvi + =99- $3~ H6pfl, Harro. The ChristianPollO ofJohn Calvin. Cambridge Studies in the History and Theory of Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985. Pp x + 303. Paper, $14.95. Hurlbutt, Robert H., IlI. Hume, Newton, and the Design Argument. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1985. Pp. xvi + =55- $=4-95. Kane, R. FreeWildand Values. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1985. Pp. ==9. Cloth, $39.5o. Paper, $16.95. Kuhse, Helga and Peter Singer. Should the Baby Live? The ProblemofHandicapped Infants. Studies in Bioethics. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985. Pp. vii + =sS. N.P. Lauth, Reinhard. D/e Transzendenta~ Naturlehre Fichte.snach den Prinzipien der Wisstnschaftslehre. Schriften zur Transzendentalphilosophie, Vol. 6. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag, 1984. Pp. xviii + 19o. DM 68. Lerer, Seth. Boethim and Dialogue. Litera~ Method in The Consolation of Phtl~ophy. Princeton: PrinCeton University Press, 1985. Pp x + =64. $=8.oo. Magris, Aldo. L'idea di Destino nel PenrieroAntico. Vol. I. Dage Origin/al V SecoloA.C. Universita degli Studi di Trieste Facolta de Magistero, IIIa Serie, No. 15. Trieste: Del Bianco Editore , 1984. Pp. 369. L 45,ooo. Magris, Aldo. L'idea deDestinonil PemieroAntico. Vol. =. Da Platonea S. Ag~stino. Universita degli Studi di Trieste Facolta de Magistero, IIIa Serie, No. 15. Trieste: Del Bianco Editore, 1985. Pp. 56=. L 45,ooo. Marrone, Steven P. Truth and S~iJfc Knowledge in the Thought of Hen~ of Ghent. Speculum Anniversary Monographs, 1x. Cambridge, MA: The Medieval Acedemy of America, x985. Pp. x + 164. Cloth, $1=.5o. Paper, $6.5o. Messeri, Marco. Cama 9 spiegazione. La Fi~'icadi Pierre Ga~endi. Milan: Franco Angeli Libri s.r.l., 1985. Pp. 167. L 15,ooo. Moukanos, Demetrios D. Ontalogie der Metaphysik des Aristoteles. Athener Abhandlungen zur Antiken Philosophie. Athens: D. Moukanos, 1981. Pp. 41. Paper, N.P. ~oo~ av.vizws 433 Mueller-Vollmer, Kurt, editor. The Hermeneat~ Reader. Texts of the German Tradition from the Enlightenment to the Present. New York: Continuum Publishing Co., 1985. Pp. ix + 380. $a7.5o Natoli, Charles M. Nietzsche and Pascal on Christianity. American University Studies, Series 5, Philosophy, Vol. 3- New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., 1985. Pp. a97. SFR 55.8o. O'Meara, Dominic J., editor. Platonic Investigations. Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy, Vol. 13. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1985. Pp x + 27x. $31.95. Osier, Margaret J. and Paul Lawrence Farber, editors. Religion, Science,and WorM-view.Essaysin Honor of Richard S. Wes~'all.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985, Pp. xiv + 35o. $49.5~9 Pagano, Scrgio M. I Documenti del Processodi Galileo Gallelei. Pontificiae Acadcmiae Scientiarum Scripta Varia, 53- Vatican Cith: Collectanea Archivi Vaticani, 1984. Pp. xxvii + 280. L 35,o0o. Pagcl, Walter. Religion and Neoplatoniam in Renaissance Medicine. Edited by Marianne Winder. London: Variorum Reprints, 1985. Pp. ix + 346. s Patrides, C...

