In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Announcements NEH Summer Seminars for College Teachers.The following NEH Seminars on philosophical topics will be offered in Summer 1991: "Mental Representation " (Robert Cummins, Arizona), "The Philosophy of Descartes" (Willis F. Doney, Dartmouth), "Explanation, Causation, and Empiricism" (Paul W. Humphreys, Virginia), "The Changing Roles of the American Judge: A Philosophical Approach" (David Luban, Maryland), "A Genealogy of Postmodernism : Nietzsche, Heidegger, Derrida, Rorty" (Bernd Magnus, UCRiverside ), "Nietzsche's Philosophical Thought and Its Interpretation" (Richard Schacht, Illinois-Urbana), "Topics in the Philosophy of Time" (George Schlesinger, North Carolina). Of related Interest are: "Freud and Jung on Religion" (James E. Ditties, Yale), "Islam and the Scientific Tradition" (George Saliba, Columbia), "What Is Enlightenment? 18th-Century Answers and 2oth-Century Questions" (James Schmidt, Boston University). For further information, contact: Richard Schacht, Department of Philosophy, lo5 Gregory Hall, University of Illinois, 81o S. Wright Street, Urbana, IL 618ol. Phone: (217) 333-~889. FAX: (217) ~44-8355. Callfor Manuscripts. The Journal of the History ofPhilosophyMonograph Series publishes studies in the history of Western philosophy, covering Greek to twentieth-century philosophy. It includes studies of individual philosophers and ideas, analyses of texts and controversies, translations and commentaries, studies of movements, and documentary findings about thinkers and events in the history of philosophy. Manuscripts should be between 35,ooo and 55,ooo words in length and double-spaced throughout, including quotations, notes, and bibliography. Notes should be numbered consecutively throughout and placed in a separate section at the end of the manuscript. Please send Ancient and Medieval manuscripts to: Charles M. Young, Department of Philosophy, Claremont Graduate School, Claremont, CA 91711. Please send Modern and Recent manuscripts to: Richard A. Watson, Department of Philosophy, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 6313o. Conferencefor Educators and Philosophers. The Association for Process Philosophy of Education willsponsor a conference, "Process Philosophy of Educa- [s~5] ...

