In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • North Africa


975. Bava, S., Variations autour de trois sites mourides dans la migration. Autrepart 2005 36 105-122
976. Benfoughal, T., Boulay, S., Sur les traces de quelques objets sahariens: pistes de recherche croisées. Journal des Africanistes 2006 76 1 9-24
977. Benfoughal, T., Boulay, S. (eds), Sahara: identités et mutations sociales en objets. Journal des Africanistes 2006 76 1
978. Brachet, J., Migrants, transporteurs et agents de l' État: rencontre sur l' axe Agadez-Sebha. Autrepart 2005 36 43-62
979. Bredeloup, S., Pliez, O., Migrations entre les deux rives du Sahara. [Introduction] Autrepart 2005 36 3-20
980. Bredeloup, S., Zongo, M., Quand les frères burkinabè de la petite Jamahiriyya s' arrêtent à Tripoli. Autrepart 2005 36 123-148
981. Bredeloup, S., Pliez, O. (eds), Migrations entre les deux rives du Sahara. Autrepart 2005 36
982. Cauvin-Verner, C., Les objets du tourisme, entre tradition et folklore. Journal des Africanistes 2006 76 1 187-201
983. Drozdz, M., Pliez, O., Entre Libye et Soudan: la fermeture d' une piste transaharienne. Autrepart 2005 36 63-80
984. Memmi, A., Decolonization and the decolonized. MinneapolisUniversity of Minnesota Press 2006 148 pp.


985. Amory, S.and others, Diversité génétique de l' Allèle O dans des populations Berbères. Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d' Anthropologie de Paris 2005 17 3-4 199-207
986. Badawi-Fayed, J., La Morphologie externe et interne de la région supra-orbitaire: est elle corrélée à des contraintes biomécaniques? Analyses structurelles des populations d' homo sapiens d' Afalou Bou Rhummel (Algérie) et de Taforalt (Maroc). Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d' Anthropologie de Paris 2005 17 3-4 185-197
987. Rasmussen, S.J., Those who touch: Tuareg medicine women in anthropological perspective. DeKalb Northern Illinois University Press 2006 234 pp.
988. Walentowitz, S., Tout un monde au creux d' un plat: la grand écuelle des Touaregs. Journal des Africanistes 2006 76 1 103-120


989. Bynon, J., Recherches sur le vocabulaire du tissage en Afrique du Nord. Cologne Rüdiger Köpper 2005 233 pp.
990. Khamis, S.A.M., From written through oral to mediated oral: the [End Page 50] example of Taarab music. Matutu 2005 31-32 203-218
991. Khatib, L., Filming in the modern Middle East. London I.B. Tauris 2006 242 pp.

Current Affairs

992. Special issue: Transnational Islam and regional security: cooperation and diversity between Europe and North Africa. Mediterranean politics 2006 11 2
993. Baldwin-Edwards, M., 'Between a rock & a hard place': North Africa as a region of emigration, immigration & transit migration. Review of African political economy 2006 33 108 311-324
994. Bush, R., Keenan, J., North Africa: power, politics & promise. Review of African political economy 2006 33 108 175-184
995. Keenan, J.H., Security & insecurity in North Africa. Review of African political economy 2006 33 108 269-296
996. Pargeter, A., North African immigrants in Europe and political violence. Studies in conflict and terrorism 2006 29 8 731-747


997. Harrigan, J., Wang, C., El-Said, H., The Economic and polititical determinants of IMF and World Bank Lending in the Middle East and North Africa. World development 2006 34 2 247-270

Exploration and Travel

998. Barsoum, M., The Traveller and his scribe: in the footsteps of Ibn Battuta and their rendering by Ibn Juzayy. Journal of North African studies 2006 11 2 193-203


999. Haslett, S.K., Davies, F.C., Late quaternary climate —ocean changes in western North Africa: offshore geochemical evidence. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 2006 31 1 34-52

History, General

1000. Fentress, E., Romanizing the Berbers. Past and present 2006 190 3-33
1001. Makdisi, U., Silverstein, P.A. (eds), Memory and violence in the Middle East and North Africa. Bloomington...

