Washington State University
  • Contributors

Joseph Alkana…

is Associate Professor at the University of Miami, where he teaches American literature before 1900- Professor Alkana is author of The Social Self: Hawthorne, Howells, William James, and Nineteenth-Century Psychology (1997) and a number of articles on American literature, as well as coeditor of Cohesion and Dissent in America (1994)- He is presently at work on a project that deals with lineage and cultural transformation in contemporary American Jewish literature.

James Hewitson…

teaches in the Department of English at the University of Tennessee—Knoxville. He completed his PhD at the University of Toronto and is finishing “Dark Postmillennialism,” a book-length examination of millennial and apocalyptic themes in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century American literature.

Andrew Loman…

Assistant Professor of English at Memorial University of Newfoundland, is currently writing a book on film adaptations of nineteenth-century American literature and developing a documentary about the Dutch East Indies during World War II. His articles and fiction have appeared in the Journal of American Studies and Exile: The Literary Quarterly.

Michael Pringle…

teaches early American literature at Gonzaga University. He received his PhD from Washington State University and continues to explore the influences of Thoreau on Hawthorne, and vice versa.
