
"It's all about me. Deal with it." - a self-confident rhetoric that forms part of the Happy Bunny Range. Holland interrogates this, and discusses the multiplicity of the self, ultimately asking: Who am I? He firstly examines the newspaper theatre reviewer as a potential 'I' before turning to theatre bloggers who partake in a hypertextual network of online criticism. For him, he notes that the authority of his "I" changes depending on his role, for example, after giving a talk, which precedes a production as part of the Globe's "Setting the Scene" series, or bringing students to a production, which also modifies his "I". Also present at the performance, is his editorial "I". By grappling with the many "I"s that were present at that performance, Holland identifies the construction of 'I' as transient and fluid. However, his final note in response to Shakespeare Globe's 2006 production of Coriolanus is one of anger, and Holland presents one of the most important "I"s - the one that connects (or not) to the production on an emotional level.


Self,Identity,Corionalus,Performance criticism,Shakespeare's Globe,Theatre blogging,Theatre critic

