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  • Contributors

Timothy Bahti is Associate Professor of German and Comparative Literature at the University of Michigan. Author of Allegories of History: Literary Historiography after Hegel and the forthcoming Ends of the Lyric: Direction and Consequence in Western Poetry, he is also co-editor, with Marilyn Sibley Fries, of the forthcoming collection, Jewish Writers, German Literature: The Uneasy Examples of Nelly Sachs and Walter Benjamin.

Fritz Breithaupt is a doctoral candidate in the Department of German of the Johns Hopkins University. He has two articles forthcoming on the status of the image in German classicism.

Aris Fioretos is currently an Alexander von Humboldt Scholar at the Free University of Berlin. His recent publications include Word Traces: Readings of Paul Celan and a study of “gray literature,” Den grå boken; both books appeared in 1994.

Eleonore Frey is Privatdozentin für deutsche Literatur at the University of Zürich. Her most recent publications include Ilse Aichinger: Ihr Spielraum (essay) and Gegenstimmen (narrative).

Fritz Gutbrodt is Assistant Professor of German at the Johns Hopkins University. He is completing a book on questions of authorship, translation, and plagiarism entitled Joint Ventures.

Geoffrey Hale is a doctoral candidate in the German Department at Johns Hopkins University. He has published an article on Freud and is currently completing a dissertation on Kierkegaard and German Modernism.

Ingeborg Harms is Wissenschaftliche Assistentin in Germanistik at the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Bonn. An editor of the Brandenburg Kleist edition, she is the author of Zwei Spiele Kleists um Trauer und Lust. “Die Familie Schroffenstein” und “Der zerbrochenen Krug”.

Peter Henninger is Professor of German Literature at the University of Valenciennes. He is the author of Der Buchstabe und der Geist. Unbewußte Determinierung im Schreiben Robert Musils. Among his recent articles are studies of Robert Walser, Elias Canetti, Peter Handke, and Ingeborg Bachmann.

Christoph Hoffmann is a student at the University of Freiburg. Currently preparing a dissertation on medial technology and experimental psychology in texts by Robert Musil, he has published articles on Goethe and on Musil in the context of the history of science and media.

Krassimira Krusschkova earned her doctorate in Theaterwissenschaft at the University of Wien in 1994 with a dissertation on questions of translation in the work of Walter Benjamin, Jacques Derrida, and Peter Handke. She has published articles on Bertolt Brecht, Heiner Müller, and Robert Wilson.

Roger W. Müller Farguell is the recipient of a postdoctoral fellowship from the Swiss Foundation for Scientific Research and is Visiting Scholar at the Johns Hopkins University. The author of articles on Nietzsche, C. F. Meyer, Freud, Benjamin, and Proust, he has published Tanz-Figuren. Zur metaphorischen Konstitution von Bewegung (Schiller, Kleist, Heine, Nietzsche) and is currently preparing a study of figures of memory in Freud and Benjamin.

