In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

The Journal of Military History 71.3 (2007) 1007-1023

Doctoral Dissertations in Military History
Edward A. Goedeken
Iowa State University Library
Dennis E. Showalter
Colorado College

This is the thirty-third supplement to Doctoral Dissertations in Military Affairs: A Bibliography (Manhattan: Kansas State University Library, 1972). Information on dissertations published in the United Kingdom is based on: (1) Historical Research for University Degrees in the United Kingdom, published each May by the University of London Institute of Historical Research; or (2) the quarterly Index to Theses, which is listed as ITT, vol. # (issue #), year. The compilers would appreciate information regarding omissions and dissertations completed outside the United States. Write: Edward A. Goedeken, Parks Library, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011.

Listings below include the order number of the dissertation (which may be purchased from University Microfilms International, Dissertation Copies, P. O. Box 1764, Ann Arbor, MI 48106) and the issue of Dissertation Abstracts International in which the abstract appeared. If no DAI issue is given, the dissertation is from a university that does not cooperate with DAI. For dissertations with no order number (n.o.n.), researchers should contact the university directly. For universities located in Canada, microfiche copies of dissertations are available from the National Library, Ottawa, Canada. In addition, the Center for Research Libraries holds a collection of foreign doctoral dissertations, which can be used through interlibrary loan. Write: Director, The Center for Research Libraries, 5721 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637. The subject field for entries is history unless it is spelled out or indicated by one of the following abbreviations:

AS = American Studies BA = Business Administration
EC = Economics ED = Education/Educational Psych.
JO = Journalism LIT = Literature
MC = Mass Communications PS = Political Science/lnternational Relations/Public Admin.
PSY = Psychology
SP = Speech SO = Sociology/Social Work [End Page 1007]

Section I: Studies in World Military History

A. Ancient History

Caprio, James Alexander. "An Allied History of the Peloponnesian League: Elis, Tegea, and Mantinea," University of British Columbia (Canada), 2005, DANQ 99449, Jl. 2005.
Carroll, Alastair Ian. "The Role of the Varangian Guard in Byzantine Rebellions and Usurpations, 988–1204," Queen's University of Belfast (UK), 2005, AAIC 825840, Mar. 2005.
Corbin, C. David. "Whence and Whither Democratic Imperialism? A Study of Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War," Boston University, 2006, DA 3191925, Mar. 2006.
Flynt, Shannon Rogers. "The Military Vici of Noricum," University of Missouri– Columbia, 2005, ISBN 0-542-50319-0, Jan. 2005.
Hyland, John O. "Tissaphernes and the Achaemenid Empire in Thucydides and Xenophon," University of Chicago, 2005, DA 3181358, Dec. 2005.
McDonough, Scott John. "Power by Negotiation: Institutional Reform in the Fifth-Century Sasanian Empire," University of California, Los Angeles, 2005, ISBN 978-0-542-56491-8, Feb. 2005.
Ryan, Glenn Edward. "Building and Destroying: Ancient Engineering Ingenuity in Peace and War," Drew University, 2005, DA 3166251, Aug. 2005.
Taverner, Stephen. "Josephus and the Maccabean Revolt," University of Southampton (UK), 2004, HRUD.
White, Monica Morrison. "Military Saints in Byzantium and Rus, 900–1200," Cambridge University (UK), 2005, HRUD.

B. Asia/Oceania

Atkins, Jacqueline Marx. "Wearing Propaganda: Civilian Textiles on the Japanese Home Front, 1931–1945 with Reference to Britain and the United States," Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts, Design, and Culture, 2006, ISBN 978-0-542-61000-4, Mar. 2006.
Barbieri, Jeanette. "Fish In and Out of Water: Changing Representations of the Relations Between the Chinese People and Their Liberation Army (1966– 1986)," University of Southern California, 2005 (PS), ISBN 978-0-542-72125-0, June 2005.
Camacho, Keith L. "Cultures of Commemoration: The Politics of War, Memory and History in the Mariana Islands," University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 2005, ISBN 0-542-26079-4, Aug. 2005.
Chiang, Chi Lu. "The Scale of War in the Warring States Period," Columbia University, 2005 (PS), DA 3174765, Nov. 2005.
Cuthbert, Randall. "Peace with North Korea: An Application of Modern Conflict Resolution Theory," Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center, 2006 (PS), ISBN 978-0-542-72539-5, June 2006.
Dinmore, Eric Gordon. "A...

