
Taking its cue from Elizabeth Grosz's recent work in Architecture from the Outside, The Nick of Time, and Time Travels, "Ontology and Involution" argues for a clearer acknowledgment of the philosophical histories and paradigms that have guided the articulation of queer theories, at least their most institutionally recognizable forms. It suggests that the paradigms most influential for queer thinking have entailed the kind of deconstructive rejection of ontology that, as Grosz argues, has characterized contemporary critical approaches in social sciences and the humanities. Such paradigmatic commitments, acknowledged or not, have inevitably restricted queer theory's engagement with some of its most frequently cited theorists. Consequently, the essay suggests an "ontological turn" in queer-theoretical readings of Michel Foucault's work, especially his later ethics texts. Foucault's unexpected leap into the archive of ancient texts should here be seen as an intuitive turn to, and an involutive activation of, what Gilles Deleuze, following Henri Bergson, calls the ontological past. As Grosz notes, this past is for Deleuze the realm of the virtual, the resource for radical change and becoming. Ultimately, Grosz's work clears the ground for a queer rethinking of the question of becoming, whose importance Foucault recurrently evokes in his 1980s interviews.

