Perpetual Unease or Being at Ease? \-\- Derrida, Daoism, and the 'Metaphysics of Presence'
- Philosophy East and West
- University of Hawai'i Press
- Volume 57, Number 2, April 2007
- pp. 227-243
- 10.1353/pew.2007.0025
- Article
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Interesting work has been done on the striking similarities between the key arguments of the late Jacques Derrida and Daoism. While named otherwise, such Derridean signposts as the metaphysics of presence, the duality of language, and logocentrism are found in Daoist views of the relationship between reality, speech, writing, and knowledge. However, where the limits of language lead Derrida is different from where they take the authors of the Zhuangzi and the Daodejing, in particular regarding the question of action for and responsibility toward others.