In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

The Canadian Modern Language Review / La revue canadienne des langues vivantes 63.3 (2007) 444


In Kimberly A. Noels, 'Orientations to Learning German: Heritage Language Background and Motivational Processes' (CMLR 62:2, December 2005), Table 3 on page 300 contained several errors. The corrected table appears below. CMLR regrets these errors.

Plusieurs erreurs se sont glissées dans le tableau 3 de l'article de Kimberley A. Noels intitulé 'Orientations to Learning German: Heritage Language Background and Motivational Processes' (paru en décembre 2005 dans le numéro 62:2 de la RCLV). La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes s'en excuse. Vous trouverez ci-dessous le tableau corrigé.

Table 3. Varimax rotated component matrix, eigenvalues, and factor variance for the principal components analysis of orientation, antecedent, and outcome variables


Variables I II III
Amotivation −0.78
Intention to Continue −0.76 0.31
Perceived Autonomy 0.74
Intrinsic Orientation 0.70 0.41
Active Engagement 0.70
Integrative Crientation 0.56 0.42 0.43
Perceived Competence 0.56 0.36
German Language Use 0.84
Contact with German Speakers 0.83
German Identification 0.69
Perceived Relatedness 0.50 0.61
Self-Evaluation 0.31 0.61
Learner Type 0.56
English Identification -0.41
Instrumental Orientation 0.34 0.82
External Regulation 0.81
Introjected Regulation 0.64
Identified Regulation 0.54 0.44 0.55
Eigenvalue 4.20 3.86 2.62
Percentage of variance accounted for by component 23.32 21.42 14.53

*Suggested Component Labels: I = Self-Determined Motivational Substrate;

II = Intergroup Motivational Substrate; III = Orientations


