In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies 42.4 (2006) 447-448

Annual Index


HILTRUD ARENS The "Circus of Cultures" and Culture as Circus in Rafik Schami's Reise zwischen Nacht und Morgen 302
STEPHAN ATZERT Von der Kunst als "über-lebenskunst" zur Kunst des Lebens: über Thomas Bernhards Der Theatermacher und Alte Meister 155
THOMAS O. BEEBEE Carl Schmitt's Myth of Benito Cereno 114
CINDY BREWER The Emigrant Heroine: Gender and the Colonial Fantasy in Henriette Frölich's Virginia oder Die Kolonie von Kentucky 194
NICOLE BRUNNHUBER Explaining the Enemy: Images of German Culture in English-Language Fiction by German-Speaking Exiles in Great Britain, 1933–45 277
ANNETTE BüHLER-DIETRICH German-American Identity in the Novels of Heinrich Börnstein and Otto Ruppius 211
ALBRECHT CLASSEN A Woman Fights for Her Honour: Ruprecht von Würzburg's Von zwein kouf mannen. 95
KATHLEEN CONDRAY The Colonization of Germany: Migrant and German Identity in Wladimir Kaminer's Mein deutsches Dschungelbuch 321
PIET DEFRAEYE You! Hypocrite Spectateur. A Short History of the Production and Reception of Peter Handke's Publikumsbeschimpfung 412
JEROEN DEWULF "Verbrasilianern": L'émigration suisse au Brésil et la question de l'intégration 229
MATT ERLIN Book Fetish: Joachim Heinrich Campe and the Commodifi- cation of Literature 355
PATRICK FARGES Cultural Transfer and Condensation of Memory: Textual Displacement in Henry Kreisel's Short Stories 261
J. COLIN FEWSTER A Question of Loyalty: Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Stendhal, D'Annunzio, and Italian Nationalism 15
JESSICA GALLAGHER The Limitation of Urban Space in Thomas Arslan's Berlin Trilogy 337
JUTTA ITTNER Particularly Cats: Feline Encounters in Brigitte Kronauer's Narratives 58
ROBERT McFARLAND Migration as Medi-ation: Neue Freie Presse American Correspondent Ann Tizia Leitich and Stefan Zweig's "Die Monotonisierung der Welt" 242
WILLIAM C. REEVE The Woman/Women of Franz Grillparzer's Der Traum ein Leben: The Dynamics of Attraction and Repulsion 377
PATRICIA STANLEY When Scriptotherapy Fails: The Life and Death of Sylvia Plath and Adelheid Duvanel 395
JOSEPH M. SULLIVAN Kalogreant/Calogre-nant, Space, and Communication in Hartmann's Iwein and Chrétien's Yvain 1
RODNEY TAYLOR The Spectre in Leopold Andrian's Garden of Knowledge 33
RUBA TURJMAN The Success of the "Unsuccessful" Tuma in Mediating between East and West: Rafik Schami's Erzähler der Nacht 288
KOEN VANHAEGENDOREN Die Zikaden-metapher in Ingeborg Bachmanns Die Zikaden: Lebensflucht und Lebensmut 135


Heinz Antor et al., eds., Refractions of Germany in Canadian Literature and Culture (ALEXANDER FREUND) 91
Jeffrey Andrew Barash, Politiques de l'histoire. L' historicism comme premise et comme mythe MICHAEL MACK) 175
Tim Bergfelder et al., eds., The German Cinema Book (SUSANNE BAACKMANN) 186
Roland Dollinger et al. eds., A Com- panion to the Works of Alfred Döblin (SANDRO HOLZHEIMER) 182
Cheryl Dueck, Rifts in Time and in the Self: The Female Subject in Two Generations of East German Women Writers (LORNA MARTENS) 93
Arne Eppers, Miteinander im Neben-einander. Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft in Goethes Wilhelm Meister-Romanen (HELLMUT AMMERLAHN) 178
Birte Giesler, Literatursprünge. Das er-zählerische Werk von Friederike Helene Unger (DIANA SPOKIENE) 79
Johann Gottfried Herder, Sculpture. Some Observations on Shape and Form from Pygmalion's Creative Dream (JANE CURRAN) 77
Roger Hillman, Unsettling Scores: German Film, Music, and Ideology (SUSAN INGRAM) 443
Oliver Jahraus and Stefan Neuhaus, eds., Kafkas Urteil und die Literaturtheorie: Zehn Modellanalysen (PATRICK O'NEILL) 180
Julia Knight, New German Cinema. Images of a Generation (JAMES M. SKIDMORE) 442
Sven Kramer, Die Folter in der Literatur. Ihre Darstellung in der deutsch-sprachigen Erzählprosa von 1740 bis 'nach Auschwitz' (JöRG W. SCHRöDER) 173
Dennis F. Mahoney, ed., The Literature of German Romanticism (PAOLA MAYER) 81
Paul Michael Lützeler, Freundschaft im Exil. Thomas Mann und Hermann Broch (JüRGEN HEIZMANN) 87
Nicholas Martin, ed., Nietzsche and the German Tradition (PAUL BISHOP) 83
Beate Henn-Memmesheimer und David G. John, Hrsg., Cultural Link: Kanada – Deutschland (JEAN M. SNOOK) 76
Melissa Percival and Graeme Tytler, eds., Physiognomy in Profile: Lavater...

