In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

L'Esprit Créateur 46.4 (2006) 172-174

Index, Volume 46 (2006)


Agulhon, Maurice. "La République," 46:3 (Fall 2006), 15-20.
—————. "Michelet et la sociabilité," 46:3 (Fall 2006), 74-78.
Bernard, Claudie. "Michelet: famille," 46:3 (Fall 2006), 79-85.
Costa, Alexandre Segão. "Of Humans, Pigs, Fish, and Apes: The Literary Motif of Human-Animal Metamorphosis and its Multiple Functions in Contemporary Fiction," 46:2 (Summer 2006), 68-88.
Delcroix, Maurice. "Chassez le naturel: Colette et Marguerite Yourcenar," 46:2 (Summer 2006), 56-67.
Desan, Philippe. "Montaigne et l'éthique marchande," 46:1 (Spring 2006), 13-22.
Desblache, Lucile. "Introduction: profil d'une éco-littérature," 46:2 (Summer 2006), 1-4.
_____. "Le Roman contemporain à la recherche d'une textualité écologique: l'exemple de Sheri Tepper," 46:2 (Summer 2006), 89-99.
Ellison, David R. "L'Héritage de Proust," 46:4 (Winter 2006), 69-82.
Ergal, Yves-Michel. "Lectures de Proust," 46:4 (Winter 2006), 164-71.
Farquhar, Sue W. "Vera Philosophia and Law in Montaigne's 'De la cruauté'," 46:1 (Spring 2006), 39-50.
Fraisse, Luc. "René Girard en critique de Proust: intuitions, apories, mises à l'épreuve," 46:4 (Winter 2006), 134-50.
_____. "Proust en devenir," 46:4 (Winter 2006), 1-5.
Frisch, Andrea. "Montaigne and the Ethics of Memory," 46:1 (Spring 2006), 23-31.
Gaudin, Colette. "La Femme," 46:3 (Fall 2006), 45-54.
Gorman, Shawn. "Sartre on Proust: Involuntary Memoirs," 46:4 (Winter 2006), 56-68.
Gymnich, Marion. "Of Humans, Pigs, Fish, and Apes: The Literary Motif of Human-Animal Metamorphosis and its Multiple Functions in Contemporary Fiction," 46:2 (Summer 2006), 68-88.
Hansen, Catherine. "The Anonymous Flesh of Time: Merleau-Ponty and Blanchot on Proust," 46:4 (Winter 2006), 33-43.
Hartle, Ann. "The Transformation of Virtue in Montaigne's Essays," 46:1 (Spring 2006), 3-12.
Huet, Marie-Hélène. "Le Peuple," 46:3 (Fall 2006), 25-29.
Ji, Young-Rae. "Sartre, admirateur secret de Proust," 46:4 (Winter 2006), 44-55.
Kaplan, Edward K. "Nature," 46:3 (Fall 2006), 105-08.
Klekovkina, Vera A. "Proust's 'souvenir visuel' and Ruiz's 'clin d'œil' in Le Temps retrouvé," 46:4 (Winter 2006), 151-63.
Kogan, Vivian. "Michelet et la presse," 46:3 (Fall 2006), 86-93.
_____. "L'Intellectuel en puissance," 46:3 (Fall 2006), 60-68.
_____. "Préface," 46:3 (Fall 2006), 1-5.
Kritzman, Lawrence D. "The Socratic Makeover: Montaigne's 'De la physionomie' and the Ethics of the Impossible," 46:1 (Spring 2006), 75-85.
Laurent, Franck. "La Nation," 46:3 (Fall 2006), 30-34.
Leterrier, Sophie Anne. "La Loi, la justice, le droit," 46:3 (Fall 2006), 35-39.
Lioure, Michel. "Paul Claudel: Contre Proust," 46:4 (Winter 2006), 15-25.
Marty, Éric. "Marcel Proust dans 'la chambre claire'," 46:4 (Winter 2006), 125-33.
Matossian, Chakè. "Michelet, l'art et l'artiste," 46:3 (Fall 2006), 69-73.
Melehy, Hassan. "Montaigne and Ethics: The Case of Animals," 46:1 (Spring 2006), 96-107.
Michel, Pierre. "Barbares, barbarie," 46:3 (Fall 2006), 55-59. [End Page 172]
Miguet-Ollagnier, Marie. "Claude Simon face à Proust: exercices d'admiration," 46:4 (Winter 2006), 100-12.
Milne, Anne. "Fables of the Bees: Species as an Intercultural Discourse in Eighteenth-Century Scientific and Literary Texts," 46:2 (Summer 2006), 33-41.
Milner, Max. "Romantisme," 46:3 (Fall 2006), 94-99.
Nora, Pierre. "Michelet, ou l'hystérie identitaire," 46:3 (Fall 2006), 6-14.
Petitier, Paule. "La Révolution," 46:3 (Fall 2006), 21-24.
—————. "Science," 46:3 (Fall 2006), 109-13.
Polachek, Dora E. "Of Fathers, Saints, and Dying Virgins: The Crisis of Exemplarity in 'De fuir les voluptez au pris de la vie' (I,33)," 46:1 (Spring 2006), 64-74.
Puleo, Alicia H. "Un parcours philosophique: du désenchantement du monde à la compassion," 46:2 (Summer 2006), 5-16.
Regosin, Richard L. "Rusing with the Law: Montaigne and the Ethics of Uncertainty," 46:1 (Spring 2006), 51-64.
Renaud, Olivier. "L'Action," 46:3 (Fall 2006), 40-44.
Rigolot, Fran...

