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  • Notes on Contributors

joshua david bellin, author of The Demon of the Continent: Indians and the Shaping of American Literature (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001), is associate professor of English at La Roche College. He won the New England Quarterly’s H. R. Brown prize for New England history for his article “Taking the Indian Cure: Thoreau, Indian Medicine, and the Performance of American Culture.”

elise bartosik-vélez, assistant professor of Spanish at Dickinson College, studies the early Americas in a comparative context. She is currently writing a book about Christopher Columbus and nationalist discourses of the Americas.

yael ben-zvi is lecturer in the department of Foreign Literatures and Linguistics at Ben-Gurion University. Her research focuses on representations of space and belonging in literary, anthropological, and geographic discourses. She has published an essay in the Canadian Review of American Studies and has essays forthcoming in ESQ and CR.

michelle burnham teaches colonial American and Native American literature at Santa Clara University. Her book Folded Selves: Colonial New England Writing in the World System is due out in February from the University Press of New England.

michael g. ditmore is an associate professor of English and Great Books and is director of American Studies at Pepperdine University. He has written on Anne Hutchinson and Elizabeth Ashbridge and is currently writing on contemporary American confessional cultures.

scott ellis is assistant professor of English at Southern Connecticut State University. A historian of the book, he is also greatly interested in the digital pedagogy of early American literature.

thomas hallock, assistant professor of English at the University of South Florida at St. Petersburg, is the author of From the Fallen Tree: Frontier Narratives, Environmental Politics, and the Roots of a National Pastoral, and he is currently coediting William Bartram’s manuscripts.

amy morris is University Lecturer in American Literature and Fellow of Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge University.

juan christian pellicer is senior lecturer in English at the University of Oslo. He is a leading scholar in the English history of the Georgic.

frank shuffelton, professor of English at the University of Rochester, has written widely on early American literature. He is currently at work on several projects involving Thomas Jefferson. [End Page 215]

scott slawinski, assistant professor of English at Western Michigan University, studies and teaches early American literature. He is the author of Validating Bachelorhood: Audience, Patriarchy, and Charles Brockden Brown’s Editorship of the Monthly Magazine and American Review. Currently, he is completing an article on Brockden Brown’s “The Trials of Arden,” preparing an edition of Sukey Vickery’s writings, and co-editing, with Sharon M. Harris, the complete works of Ann Eliza Bleecker and Margaretta Faugeres. [End Page 216]


