In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • West Africa


2167. Kaag, M., Fighting over crumbs? Small valleys in West Africa as a new locus of claims. in Evers, S., Spierenburg, M. and Wels, H. (eds), Competing jurisdictions, pp. 333-351. (Item No. 212)
2168. Palmié, S., The Cultural Work of Yoruba globalization. in Falola, T. (ed.), Christianity and social change in Africa, pp. 43-81. (Item No. 876)
2169. Reveyron-Coulon, O., Madres y padres perennidad y cambio en África occidental. Nova Africa 2005 17 83-94


2171. Amanor, K.S., Agricultural markets in West Africa: frontiers, agribusiness and social differentiation. IDS bulletin 2005 36 2 58-62
2172. Sinou, A., Enjeux culturels et politiques de la mise en patrimoine des espaces colonaiux. Autrepart 2005 33 13-31
2174. Toulmin, C., Guèye, B., Is there a future for family farming in West Africa? IDS bulletin 2005 36 2 23-29


See Also: 982
2175. Albrecht, M. (ed.), Getting pictures right: context and interpretaition. Köln Rüdiger Köppe 2004 192 pp.
2176. Apter, A., Griaule's legacy: rethinking "la parole claire" in Dogon studies. Cahiers d' études africaines 2005 45 1 95-129
2177. De Courtilles, I., Prévost, L., Guide des croyances et symboles - Afrique, Bambara, Dogon, Peul Paris L' Harmattan 2005 233 pp.
2178. Dzokoto, V., Adams, G., Understanding genital-shrinking epidemics in West Africa: Koro, Juju or mass psychogenic illness. Culture, medicine and psychiatry 2005 29 1 53-78
2179. Fardon, R., The Ethnologist and the missionaries: recording the 1908 Lela in Bali Nyonga. in Albrecht, M. (ed.), Getting pictures right, pp. 75-98. (Item No. 2175)
2180. Klein, M.A., The Concept of honour and the persistence of servility in the Western Soudan. Cahiers d' études africaines. 2005 45 3-4 831-851
2181. Sall, M., Traditions céramiques, identités et peuplement en Sénégambie: ethnographie comparée et essai de reconstitution historique. Oxford Archaeopress 2005 158 pp.


2182. Jenkins, P., Camera evangelistica - camera lucida? Trans-border experiences with a historical photograph from a mission archive. in Albrecht, M. [End Page 126] (ed.), Getting pictures right, pp. 117-140. (Item No. 2175)


See Also: 2238, 2239
2183. Arit, V., The Union Trade Company and its recordings: an unintentional documentation of West African popular music. History in Africa 2004 31 393-405
2184. Ashine, E.V., Brief history of art with special reference to West Africa. Accra Woeli 2005 106 pp.
2185. Podstavsky, S., Hausa entertainers and their social status: a reconsideration of sociohistorical evidence. Ethnomusicology 2004 48 3 348-377
2186. Stone, R.M., Music in West Africa: experiencing music, expressing culture. New York, Oxford Oxford University Press 2005 112 pp.


2187. Hepper, F.N., Charles Baxter: botanist on the 1857 Niger expedition. Nigerian field 2005 70 2 147-159
2188. Hovestadt, T., Peothke, K., Linsenmair, E., Spatial patterns in species-area relationships and species distribution in a West African forest - savanna mosaic. Journal of biogeography 2005 32 4 677-684

Current Affairs

2189. Beh, Alhaji M.S., Micro-disarmament in West Africa - the Ecowas moratorium on small arms and light weapons. African security review 2004 13 3 33-46
2190. Du Plessis, M., Pete, S., Who guards the guards? The ICC and serious crimes committed by U.N. peacekeepers in Africa. African security review 2004 13 4 5-17
2191. Ellis, S., Interpreting violence: reflections on West African wars. in Whitehead, N.L. (ed.), Violence, pp. 104-124. (Item No. 262)
2192. Konseiga, A., New patterns of migration in West Africa. Stichproben 2005 5 8 23-46
2193. Manzo, K., Exploiting West Africa's children: trafficking, slavery and uneven development. Geographical journal 2005 171 4 393-401
2194. McCaffrey, J., Using transformative models of adult literacy in conflict resolution and peacebuilding processes at community level: examples from Guinea, Sierra Leone and Sudan. Compare 2005 35 4 443-462
2195. N'diaye, B., Olonisakin, 'F., Democratizing security sector governance in West Africa: trends and challenges: analysis. Conflict, security and development 2005 5 2 203-226
2196. Reeeve, R., The Bight of Benin trafficking axis. Jane's intelligence review 2005 17 11 24-27
2197. Vines, A., Combating light weapons proliferation in West Africa...

