In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Horn of Africa


1332. Amutabi, M.N., Transient, mobile 'nations' and the dilemma of nationhood in the Horn of Africa: interrogating nomadic pastoralists, insecurity and the uncertainty of belonging. in Yieke, F.A. (ed.), East Africa in search of national and regional renewal, pp. 103-133. (Item No. 1582)


1333. Silkin, T., Veterinary services in the Horn of Africa: where are we now? Development in Practice 2005 15 1 40-48

Current Affairs

See Also: 1589, 1590
1334. Andrew, F.A., Lukajo, N.M., Golden opportunities - reality or myth? Horn of Africa female migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in The Netherlands. Community development journal 2005 40 2 224-231
1335. de Gruitjer, M., Rijkschroeff, R., 'Choices and opportunities': participation of unaccompanied minor refugees in The Netherlands. Community development journal 2005 40 2 212-215
1336. Gebrewold, K., Byrne, S., Small arms and light weapons in the Horn: reducing the demand. in Bekoe, D.A. (ed.), East Africa and the Horn, pp. 11-20. (Item No. 1590)
1337. Shay, S., The Red Sea terror triangle: Sudan, Somalia, Yemen and Islamic terror. New Brunswick, London Transaction Publishers 2005 223 pp.

International Relations

1338. Iyob, R., Keller, E.J., US policy in the Horn: grappling with a difficult legacy. in Bekoe, D.A. (ed.), East Africa and the Horn, pp. 101-125 (Item No. 1590)



1339. Pratlong, F. and others, First identification of the causative agent of visceral leishmaniasis in Djibouti. Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology 2005 99 1 21-25



1340. Pool, H., My father's daughter. London Hamish Hamilton 2005 243 pp.


1341. Kifleyesus, A., Haläqqa Bärhé and the organization of ethnomedical systems of healing and curing in Addi Ya'equob in [End Page 73] Eritrea. Journal of Eritrean studies 2004 3 1 53-67
1342. Mengisteab, K., African traditional institutions of governance: the case of Eritrea's village baito. in Vaughan, O. (ed.), Tradition and politics, pp. 185-197. (Item No. 822)
1343. Tewolde, W., Perspectives on pastoralism in Eritrea. Journal of Eritrean studies 2004 3 1 41-52


1344. Locatelli, F., Archives of the Municipality and High Court of Asmara: discovering the Eritrea hidden from history. History in Africa 2004 31 469-478


1345. Matzke, C., Shakespeare and surgery in the Eritrean liberation struggle: performance culture in Orota. Journal of Eritrean studies 2004 3 1 26-40


1346. Tafla, B., Eritrea in retrospect from the memoirs of Fitawrari Mika'el Hasama Rakka. Africa (Istituto Italo-Africano) 2005 60 1 1-64

Current Affairs

See Also: 1400
1347. Connell, D., Conversations with Eritrean political prisoners. Trenton Africa World Press 2005 212 pp.
1348. Reid, R., Caught in the headlights of history: Eritrea, the EPLF and the post war nation state. Journal of modern African studies 2005 43 3 467-488
1349. Wrong, M., I didn't do it for you: how the world betrayed a small African nation. London Fourth Estate 2005 432 pp.


1350. Eritrea 2002: results from the Demographic and Health Survey. Studies in family planning 2005 36 1 80-84


See Also: 1360

Economics - Development

1351. Hermes, N., Lensink, R., Mehrteab, H.T., Peer monitoring, social ties and moral hazard in Group Lending Programs: evidence from Eritrea. World development 2005 33 1 149-169


1352. Rena, R., Challenges for food security in Eritrea: a descriptive and qualitative analysis. African development review 2005 17 2 193-212


1353. Campbell, P.J., Gender and post-conflict civil society, Eritrea. International journal of feminist politics 2005 7 3 377-389
1354. Iyob, R., Madamismo and beyond: the construction of Eritrean women. in Ben-Ghiat, R. and Fuller, M. (eds.), Italian colonialism, pp. 233-244. (Item No. 424)

History, General

1356. Barrera, G., Sex, citizenship and the state: the construction of the public and private spheres in [End Page 74] Colonial Eritrea. in Willson, P. (ed.), Gender and sexuality: the private sphere in Italy, 1860-1945, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2004, pp. 157-172.
1357. Barrera, G., Patrilinearity, race and identity: the upbringng of Italo-Eritreans during Italian Colonialism. in Ben-Ghiat, R. and Fuller, M. (eds.), Italian colonialism, pp. 97-108. (Item No. 424)

