In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Africa


1. Special issue: Reading Mudimbe. Journal of African cultural studies 2004 17 1
2. Ahluwalia, P., Out of Africa: post-structuralism's colonial roots. Postcolonial studies 2005 8 2 137-54
3. Alleyne, M.C., The Role of Africa in the construction of identities in the Caribbean. Matutu 2003 27-28 29-44
4. Alpers, E.A., Soldiers, slaves and saints: an overview of the African presence in India. Kenya past and present 2003 34 47-54
5. Appiah, K.A., The Ethics of Identity. Princeton NJ, Oxford Princeton University Press 2005 358 pp.
6. Appiah, K.A., Gates, H.L. (eds.), Africana: the encyclopedia of the African and African American experience. New York Oxford University Press 2nd edn, 2005 5 vols
7. Assensoh, A., Africa, Third World Studies and our responsibilities as researchers. Journal of Third World studies 2005 22 1 13-20
8. Ayittey, G.B.N. (ed.), Africa unchained: the blueprint for Africa's future. Basingstoke Palgrave 2005 483 pp.
9. Azevedo, M. (ed.), African studies: a survey of Africa and the African Diaspora. Durham, NC Carolina University Press 2005 600 pp.
10. Bah, T., Intellectuels, nationalisme et idéal panafricain. Perspective historique. Dakar Codesria 2005 195 pp.
11. Barnes, S.T., Global flows, terror, oil and strategic philanthropy. African studies review 2005 48 1 1-22
12. Beier, G. (ed.), They keep their fires burning: conversations on food, manners and hospitality in Africa. Bayreuth Bayreuth African Studies 2005 181 pp.
13. Belcher, Stephen, African myths of origin. London Penguin 2005 511 pp.
14. Bertschinger, C., Blake, F., Moving mountains. London Doubleday 2005 290 pp.
16. Bilger, V., Kraler, A. (eds.), African migrations: historical perspectives and contemporary dynamics. Special issue. Stichproben 2005 5 8
17. Blake, C., An Africanist nationalist ideology framed in diaspora and the development quagmire: any hope for a Renaissance. Journal of Black studies 2005 35 5 573-96
18. Blower, J., Banagi Hill: a Game Warden's Africa. Milton Brodie, Kinloss Librario Publishing 2004 303 pp.
19. Bonjawo, J., L' Afrique du XXIe siècle. Paris Karthala 2005 192 pp.
20. Bullard, A., L' Oedipe Africaine: a retrospective. Transcultural psychiatry 2005 42 4 171-203 [End Page 1]
21. Carbonell, B.M. (ed.), Museum studies: an anthology of contexts. Oxford Blackwell 2004 640 pp.
22. Chabal, P., Area studies and comparative politics. Afrika Spectrum 2005 40 3 471-84
23. Chappell, D., "Africanization" in the Pacific: blaming others for disorder in the periphery. Comparative studies in society and history 2005 47 2 287-315
24. Chauveau, J-P., Les jeunes ruraux à la croisée des chemines. Afrique contemporaine 2005 214 15-35
25. Chimhowu, A., Woodhouse, P., Vernacular land markets and the changing face of customary land tenure in Africa. Forum for development studies 2005 32 2 385-414
26. Cliffe, L., Imperialism & African social formations. Review of African political economy 2005 32 103 5-7
27. Counsel, G., Pelling, W. (eds.), Directory of Africanists in Australasia and the Pacific [Melbourne] African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific (AFSAAP) 6th edn. 2005 117 pp.
28. Dahou, T., L' espace public face aux apories des études africaines. Cahiers d'études africaines 2005 45 2 327-353
29. Diadji, I.N., L' école dite africaine malade de ses arts et ses coutures. Présence africaine 2003 167/168 207-30
30. Diagne, S.B., On prospective: development and a political culture of time Africa development 2004 29 1 55-70
31. Dieng, A.A., La Mondialisation de l' Afrique noire. Présence africaine 2003 167/168 105-8
32. Dondol, L., Intangible heritage: the production of indigenous knowledge in various aspects of social life. Indilinga 2005 4 110-26
35. Engel, U., Olsen, G.R., The African exception: conceptual notes on governance in Africa in the new millenium. in Engel, U., Olsen, G.R. (eds.), The African exception, pp. 1-13. (Item No. 36)
36. Engel, U., Olsen, G.R. (eds.), The African exception. Aldershot, Burlington, VT Ashgate 2005 176 pp.
37. Falola, T. (ed.), The Dark webs: perspectives on colonialism in Africa. Durham, NC Carolina Academic Press 2005 486 pp.
38. Featherstone, S. (ed.), Postcolonial cultures. Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press...

