In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Native Plants Journal 7.3 (2006) 245

From the Editor
R Kasten Dumroese

Click for larger view

This past year, the following experts reviewed manuscripts and books for Native Plants Journal. As I've said before, this is a thankless job that requires substantial time and energy. Their efforts help ensure that only quality information is put into print. Our thanks to:

D Terry Booth Diane Haase Kevin Rice
Jim Borland Tom Kaye Lee E Riley
Jim Cane Anthony P Knight Clifford L Schmidt
Ann DeBolt Jim McKenna WR Schroeder
Nick Dudley Therese Meyer David Tay
Kern Ewing Tom Monaco Robert Tripepi
John Fike Corey Ransom Jason Watts
Janet Grabowski Gregg Reigel Susan Winslow

This is the first issue with Candace Akins serving as Managing Editor. If you are a contributor to Native Plants Journal, you will get to know her. She has a great eye for detail and typos, is patiently persistent, and has a knack for making me look smarter than I am. We anticipate that having Candace on board will help enable manuscripts to move more quickly and efficiently through editing and layout.

I hope you enjoy this issue of NPJ. Once again I think we have met the original objectives of the journal—providing a good mixture or of refereed research articles and general technical knowledge from the field from across the continent. Our authors in this issue include professors, graduate students, private nursery owners, technicians, federal employees, engineers, and employees involved with not-for-profit entities.

We are always looking for interesting topics to feature. If you'd like more information on a specific topic, or know of someone doing engaged in something interesting that pertains to native plants, or are one of those people with unusual homemade devices, let us know. We'd like to help bring that information into circulation. And, as always, thank you for your continuing support of Native Plants Journal.


