In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 13.1 (2006) 93-94

Concurrent Contents:
Recent and Classic References at the Interface of Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology


Banzato, C. E. M., J. E. Mezzich, and C. E. Berganza. 2005. Introduction: Philosophical and methodological foundations of psychiatric disorders. Psychopathology 38, no. 4:159–161.
Berganza, C. E., J. E. Mezzich, and C. Pouncey. 2005. Concepts of disease: Their relevance for psychiatric diagnosis and classification. Psychopathology 38, no. 4:166–170.
Bjorklund, P. 2005. Can there be a 'cosmetic' psychopharmacology? Prozac unplugged: The search for an ontologically distinct cosmetic psychopharmacology. Nursing Philosophy 6, no. 2:131–143.
Brownhill, R. J. 2003. Michael Polanyi and the development of multiple realities and post modernism with special reference to psychotherapy. Appraisal 4, no. 3:132–137.
Chalder, T. 2005. Chronic fatigue syndrome: Focus on the provider of health care rather than the consumer. Journal of Mental Health 14, no. 3:209–211.
Fabrega, H., Jr. 2005. Psychiatric conditions and the social sciences. Psychopathology 38, no. 4:223–227.
Farina, B., M. Ceccarelli, and M. Di Giannantonio. 2005. Henri Ey's Neojacksonism and the psychopathology of disintegrated mind. Psychopathology 38:285–290.
First, M. B. 2005. Mutually exclusive versus co-occurring diagnostic categories: The challenge of diagnostic comorbidity. Psychopathology 38, no. 4:206–210.
Fulford, K. W. M. 2005. Values in psychiatric diagnosis: Developments in policy, training and research. Psychopathology 38, no. 4:171–176.
Harré, R. 2005. Positioning and the discursive construction of categories. Psychopathology 38, no. 4:185–188.
Hathaway, W. L. 2004. Two paradigms for clinical science. The Journal of Mind and Behavior 25, no. 3:167–186.
Jablensky, A. 2005. Categories, dimensions and prototypes: Critical issues for psychiatric classification. Psychopathology 38, no. 4:201–205.
Kirmayer, L. J. 2005. Culture, context and experience in psychiatric diagnosis. Psychopathology 38, no. 4:192–196.
Mezzich, J. E. 2005. Positive health: Conceptual place, dimensions and implications. Psychopathology 38, no. 4:177–179.
Mezzich, J. E., C. E. M. Banzato, and C. E. Berganza. 2005. Epilogue: Philosophy and methodological foundations of psychiatric diagnosis. Psychopathology 38, no. 4:228–229. [End Page 93]
Mezzich, J. E., and C. E. Berganza. 2005. Purposes and models of diagnostic systems. Psychopathology 38, no. 4:162–165.
Mundt, C. 2005. Anomalous self-experience: A plea for phenomenology. Psychopathology 38, no. 4:231–235.
Mundt, C., and M. Backenstrass. 2005. Psychotherapy and classification: Psychological, psychodynamic, and cognitive aspects. Psychopathology 38, no. 4:215–218.
Owen, I. R. 2006. Attachment and intersubjectivity. Existential Analysis 17, no. 1:14–38.
Parnas, J., P. Handest, L. Jansson, and D. Sæbye. 2005. Anomalous subjective experience among first-admitted schizophrenia spectrum patients: Empirical investigation. Psychopathology 38:259–267.
Parnas, J., P. Møller, T. Kircher, J. Thalbitzer, L. Jansson, P. Handest, and D. Zahavi. 2005. EASE: Examination of anomalous self-experience. Psychopathology 38:236–258.
Pasztor, A. 2004. Metaphors: A constructivist approach. Pragmatics and Cognition 12, no. 2:317–350.
Phillips, J. 2005. Idiographic formulations: Symbols, narratives, context and meaning. Psychopathology 38, no. 4:180–184.
Robert, J. S., and T. Plantikow. 2005. Genetics, neuroscience and psychiatric classification. Psychopathology 38, no. 4:215–218.
Sadler, J. Z. 2005. Social context and stakeholders' values in building diagnostic systems. Psychopathology 38, no. 4:197–200.
Strauss, J. S. 2005. Diagnosis and reality: A noun is a terrible thing to waste. Psychopathology 38, no. 4:189–191.
Szasz, T. 2005. "Idiots, infants, and the insane": Mental illness and legal incompetence. Journal of Medical Ethics 31:78–81.
Widiger, T. A. 2005. A dimensional model of psychopathology. Psychopathology 38, no 4:211–214.


Brendel, D. H. 2006. Healing psychiatry: Bridging the science/sumanism divide. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Institute of Medicine (United States). Board on Neuroscience and Behavioral Health. Committee on Health and Behavior: Research, Practice, and Policy. 2001. Health and behavior: The Interplay of biological, behavioral, and societal influences. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
Martin, M. W. 2006. From morality to mental health: Virtue and vice in a therapeutic culture. Oxford/New York...

