In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received
The Awakening of Faith. Translated by Yoshito S. Hakeda. New York: Columbia University Press, 2006. Pp. xii + 117. Hardcover $49.50, £29.50. Paper $22.50, £14.50.
Beyond Transcendence in Law and Philosophy. By Louis E. Wolcher and Charles I. Stone. London: Birkbeck Law Press, 2005. Pp. xviii + 250. Price not given.
Bhagwad Gita: The Echo of Vipassana. By K. Kumar. Bareilly: K. Kumar Advocate. Pp. 36. Price not given.
Buddhism, War, and Nationalism: Chinese Monks in the Struggle against Japanese Aggressions, 1931-1945. By Xue Yu. New York and London: Routledge, 2005. Pp. xiii + 278. Hardcover $46.00.
Buddhists, Brahmins, and Belief: Epistemology in South Asian Philosophy of Religion. By Dan Arnold. New York: Columbia University Press, 2006. Pp. viii + 318. Hardcover $49.50, £32.00.
A Cloud Across the Pacific: Essays on the Clash between Chinese and Western Political Theories Today. By Thomas A. Metzger. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2005. Pp. xxviii + 816. Hardcover $65.00.
The Construction of Space in Early China. By Mark Edward Lewis. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2005. Pp. vii + 498. Hardcover $75.00. Paper $34.95.
East and West: Fusion of Horizons. By Kwang-Sae Lee. Paramus, NJ: Homa and Sekey Books, 2006. Pp. xii + 523. Hardcover $59.95, £35.00. Paper $34.95, £22.00.
Eight Women Philosophers: Theory, Politics, and Feminism. By Jane Duran. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2006. Pp. xiv + 308. Hardcover $65.00. Paper $29.95.
A Handbook of Wisdom: Psychological Perspectives. Edited by Robert J. Sternberg and Jennifer Jordan. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Pp. xvii + 387. Hardcover $75.00. Paper $34.99.
The History of Doctrinal Classification in Chinese Buddhism: A Study of the Panjiao Systems. By Chanju Mun. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2006. Pp. xxxiii + 458. Paper $59.00.
How Buddhism Began: The Conditioned Genesis of the Early Teachings. Second Edition. By Richard F. Gombrich. London and New York: Routledge, 2006. Pp. xviii + 180. Hardcover $65.00. [End Page 704]
India. Third Edition. By Stanley Wolpert. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005. Pp. xxvi + 273. Paper $18.95, £12.50.
Jinendrabuddhi's Viśā lāmalavatī Pramāṇasamuccayatīkā. Part I, Critical Edition. By Ernst Steinkellner, Helmut Krasser, and Horst Lasic. Beijing and Vienna: China Tibetology Publishing House and Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2005. Pp. lx + 209. Paper €39,00.
Jinendrabuddhi's Viśālāmalavatī Pramāṇasamuccayatīkā. Part II, Diplomatic Edition. By Ernst Steinkellner, Helmut Krasser, and Horst Lasic. Beijing and Vienna: China Tibetology Publishing House and Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2005. Pp. xxxviii + 161. Paper €39,00.
Die Kunst des Lebens und andere Künste: Skurrile Skizzen zu einem eurodaoistischen Ethos ohne Moral. By Günter Wohlfart. Berlin: Parerga, 2005. Pp. 286. Price not given.
Metaphilosophy and Chinese Thought: Interpreting David Hall. Edited by Ewing Chinn and Henry Rosemont, Jr. New York: Global Scholarly Publications, 2005. Pp. x + 217. Price not given.
Moral Theory in Śāntideva's Śikṣāsamuccaya: Cultivating the Fruits of Virtue. By Barbra R. Clayton. London and New York: Routledge, 2006. Pp. xv + 165. Hardcover $60.00.
Nicholas and Helena Roerich: The Spiritual Journey of Two Great Artists and Peacemakers. By Ruth Abrams Drayer. Wheaton, IL: Quest Books Theosophical Publishing House, 2005. Pp. xxiv + 357. Paper U.S. $23.95, Can $30.95.
Reconceiving Women's Equality in China: A Critical Examination of Models of Sex Equality. By Lijun Yuan. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2005. Pp. xi + 137. Hardcover $60.00. Paper $20.00.
Samādhi: The Numinous and Cessative in Indo-Tibetan Yoga. By Stuart Ray Sarbacker. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2005. Pp. xi + 189. Hardcover $60.00.
The Secret Gateway: Modern Theosophy and the Ancient Wisdom Tradition. By Edward Abdill. Wheaton, IL: Quest Books Theosophical Publishing House, 2005. Pp. xiii + 241. Paper $23.95.
Six Acres and a Third: The Classic Nineteenth-Century Novel about Colonial India. By Fakir Mohan Senapati and translated by Rabi Shankar Mishra, Satya P. Mohanty, Jatindra K. Nayak, and Paul St. Pierre. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005. Pp. 222. Hardcover $55.00, £35.95. Paper $21.95, £13.95.
Y a-t-il une philosophie chinoise? Un état...

