In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Suceso / Event
  • Rafael Pérez Estrada
    Translated by Mark Aldrich


Llueve y en el jardínlas niñas entierran sus muñecas.Brilla el nido del mirlo,de él nacerán las sombras.Se rebosan e inundan los parterres.Una mantis huye despavorida.Se abren los bulbos en el huerto,naufragan los jacintos,y el agua, su insolente pureza,va ocultando la casa.Y la noche se deshace en la lluvia.

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It's raining and in the gardenthe girls are burying their dolls.The blackbird's nest is shining,from it shadows will be born.The flower beds are bursting and brimming over.A praying mantis flees in terror.The bulbs are opening in the vegetable garden.The hyacinths are foundering,and the water, its insolent purity,is concealing the house.And night comes undone in the rain.

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