In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to Volume 33

Subject Index

Across-the-board, 33.1 Johnson, 33.4 Takahashi

Adjective (A)/Adjectives
in Japanese, 33.2 Namai

Adjunction, 33.1 Camacho, 33.1 Collins
rightward head, 33.2 Bošković
of a wh-phrase, 33.1 Camacho

Adverbs, 33.1 Fox, 33.2 Bowers
in Japanese, 33.2 Namai
V-modifying, 33.2 Bowers

Agree, 33.2 Baker, 33.2 Bowers, 33.3 Branigan and MacKenzie, 33.3 Landau
probe-goal, 33.2 Bowers, 33.3 Branigan and MacKenzie

Agreement, 33.2 Bowers, 33.2 Polinsky and Potsdam, 33.3 Branigan and MacKenzie, 33.3 Déchaine and Wiltschko, 33.3 Landau
cross-clausal, 33.3 Branigan and MacKenzie
long-distance, 33.2 Polinsky and Potsdam, 33.3 Branigan and MacKenzie
number, 33.2 Sauerland and Elbourne, 33.3 Winter
obviation/proximation, 33.3 Déchaine and Wiltschko
plural, 33.2 Sauerland and Elbourne
in Tsez, 33.2 Polinsky and Potsdam

Agreement (Agr), 33.1 Collins, 33.2 Bošković, 33.4 Baltin, 33.4 Harley

Agreement Phrase (AgrP), 33.1 Collins, 33.2 Bošković

in Ukrainian, 33.4 Rubach

Anaphors, 33.1 Runner, 33.2 Sauerland and Elbourne, 33.4 Neeleman and Van de Koot
exempt, 33.1 Runner
plural, 33.2 Sauerland and Elbourne
se-, 33.3 Déchaine and Wiltschko
self-, 33.3 Déchaine and Wiltschko

Antecedent-contained deletion (ACD), 33.1 Fox, 33.1 Runner, 33.2 Polinsky and Potsdam, 33.4 Harley

ANTI-CRISP EDGE, 33.4 Rubach

Any, 33.2 Sauerland and Elbourne
free-choice, 33.2 Sauerland and Elbourne

A-over-A, 33.3 Fitzpatrick

external, 33.1 Collins, 33.2 Polinsky and Potsdam
null, 33.3 Branigan and MacKenzie
quasi, 33.2 Bowers

Argument Structure
as an interface level, 33.1 Runner

Articles, 33.3 Déchaine and Wiltschko

Aspect (Asp), 33.1 Collins

Aspect Phrase (AspP), 33.1 Collins

Attract, 33.1 Johnson, 33.2 Sauerland and Elbourne, 33.3 Bošković, 33.3 Fitzpatrick

Auxiliaries, 33.2 Baker
tense-marked, 33.2 Baker

Barss's Generalization, 33.2 Sauerland and Elbourne

Base-reduplicant correspondence, 33.3 Zoll

Benefactives, 33.1 Collins

Binding, 33.2 Polinsky and Potsdam, 33.4 Neeleman and Van de Koot
in Japanese, 33.4 Tanaka
in Tsez, 33.2 Polinsky and Potsdam
unselective, 33.4 Takahashi [End Page 693]

Binding theory, 33.1 Runner

  • Condition/Principle A, 33.4 Neeleman and Van de Koot

  • Condition/Principle B, 33.3 Déchaine and Wiltschko

  • Condition/Principle C, 33.1 Camacho, 33.1 Fox, 33.3 Branigan and MacKenzie, 33.3 Citko, 33.3 Déchaine and Wiltschko

Burzio's Generalization, 33.2 Bowers

Case, 33.2 Bowers, 33.3 Branigan and MacKenzie
absolutive, 33.2 Polinsky and Potsdam
accusative, 33.2 Bowers
genitive, 33.2 Bowers
inherent, 33.2 Bowers
in Innu-aimûn, 33.3 Branigan and MacKenzie
nominative, 33.1 Hill
null, 33.2 Bowers, 33.2 Polinsky and Potsdam
in Romanian, 33.1 Hill
in Tsez, 33.2 Polinsky and Potsdam

Case Assignment, Visibility Condition on, 33.2 Bowers

Categorial Grammar, 33.4 Neeleman and Van de Koot

Categorial Licensing, 33.4 Neeleman and Van de Koot

C-command, 33.3 Fitzpatrick, 33.4 Neeleman and Van de Koot
derivational, 33.3 Fitzpatrick

Choice functions
for wh-interpretation, 33.3 Dayal

in Japanese, 33.4 Tanaka

Clitic climbing
in French, 33.4 Cinque

Clitics, 33.2 Bošković, 33.3 Bošković, 33.3 Déchaine and Wiltschko, 33.4 Cinque
clusters of, 33.2 Bošković second-position, 33.2 Polinsky and Potsdam, 33.3 Bošković
in South Slavic, 33.2 Bošković

Closer, 33.1 Johnson

Complementizer (C)/Complementizers, 33.3 Bošković, 33.3 Citko, 33.3 Landau
for (Belfast English), 33.3 Landau
from, 33.3 Landau
interrogative, 33.3 Bošković
me (Hebrew), 33.3 Landau
in Romanian, 33.1 Hill
-to (Japanese), 33.4 Tanaka

in French, 33.4 Cinque
in Hebrew, 33.3 Landau
indicative, 33.1 Hill, 33.3 Bošković, 33.4 Cinque
infinitival, 33.3 Landau
in Innu-aimûn, 33.3 Branigan and MacKenzie...

