A Mixed Method Study Testing Data-Model Fit of a Retention Model for Latino/a Students at Urban Universities
- Journal of College Student Development
- Johns Hopkins University Press
- Volume 47, Number 3, May/June 2006
- pp. 299-318
- 10.1353/csd.2006.0037
- Article
- Additional Information
This study presents the conceptualization and subsequent model fit analysis of a retention model for Latino/a students at urban commuter universities. the three institutions involved in the study represent different environments for Latino/a students. two are Hispanic Serving institutions (HSi) and the third represents a predominantly White environment. the model emerged from a concurrent nested mixed method design and reflects the influence of social cognitive theoretical foundations. Using structural equation modeling, the model that emerged from the qualitative data was found to have a good fit and explained 33% of the variance on the intent to persist in college variable.