In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contents

The Persuasiveness of a Woman: The Mistranslation and
Misinterpretation of Eusebius' Historia Ecclesiastica 5.1.41     1
Elizabeth A. Goodine
Matthew W. Mitchell

The Condemnation and Exile of Hilary of Poitiers at the
Synod of Béziers (356 C.E.)     21
Carl L. Beckwith

Demoniacs, Dissent, and Disempowerment in the Late Roman West: Some Case Studies from the Hagiographical Literature     39
Cam Grey

Donation, Dedication, and Damnatio Memoriae:
The Catholic Reconciliation of Ravenna and the
Church of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo     71
Arthur Urbano

A Re-evaluation of Marriage, Celibacy, and Irony in
Gregory of Nyssa's On Virginity     111
Valerie A. Karras

The Canons of Hippolytus and Christian Concern
with Illness, Health, and Healing     137
Ric Barrett-Lennard [End Page 541]

The Pious Household and the Virgin Chorus:
Reflections on Gregory of Nyssa's Life of Macrina     165
Philip Rousseau

Sailing to Sophistopolis: Gregory of Nazianzus
and Greek Declamation     187
Čelica Milovanovic;

Spread throughout the World: Hints on
Augustine's Understanding of Petrine Ministry     233
Daniel E. Doyle, OSA

Porphyry on Christians and Others: "Barbarian Wisdom,"
Identity Politics, and Anti-Christian Polemics
on the Eve of the Great Persecution     277
Jeremy M. Schott

Problems of Knowledge and Authority in the
Pseudo-Clementine Romance of Recognitions     315
Nicole Kelley

Pictures in Dialogue: A Viewer-Centered Approach
to the Hypogeum on Via Dino Compagni     349
H. Gregory Snyder

Underpinning the Text: Self-Justification
in John Cassian's Ascetic Prefaces     411
Richard J. Goodrich

Winning the Intracommunal Dialogues:
Zacharias Scholasticus' Life of Severus     437
Edward Watts [End Page 542]

Empire and Apocalypse in Thessaloniki:
Interpreting the Early Christian Rotunda     465
Laura Nasrallah

The Didache and the Synoptics Once More:
A Response to Aaron Milavec     509
C. M. Tuckett

A Rejoinder     519
Aaron Milavec

Book Reviews     123, 247, 387, 525

Books Received     135, 273, 409, 537


