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  • Contributors

Victoria Aarons is Professor and Chair of the Department of English at Trinity University, where she teaches courses on American Jewish and Holocaust literature. She is the author of What Happened to Abraham? Reinventing the Covenant in American Jewish Fiction (U of Delaware P, 2005) and A Measure of Memory: Storytelling and Identity in American Jewish Fiction (U of Georgia P, 1996), which received a Choice Award for Outstanding Academic Book.

John B. Boles teaches southern history at Rice University and has written extensively on southern religion, slavery, and other aspects of the history of the region.

Richard M. Breaux is an Assistant Professor of Black Studies and History at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. His research interests include black intellectual and social history, histories of black womanhood and manhood, black youth culture, and the history of black education.

Birgit A. Jensen is an Assistant Professor of German at East Carolina University. She has published a monograph on Theodor Fontane, and various articles on marginalized figures in German literature from the middle ages to the twentieth century. Currently she is working on questions of gender, self-representation, and narrative strategy in German working-class autobiographies of the late nineteenth century.

David McCooey is the author of Artful Histories: Modern Australian Autobiography (Cambridge UP), which won a New South Wales Premier's Literary Award in 1996. He is also the author of numerous pieces on autobiography, biography, and poetry, and he has written biographical entries for The Routledge Who's Who of Twentieth-Century World Poetry and The Dictionary of Literary Biography. He is Senior Lecturer in Literary Studies at Deakin University, and his first book of poems, Blister Pack, was recently published by Salt Publishing.

Nicholas Paige teaches in the Department of French at the University of California at Berkeley. He is the author of Being Interior: Autobiography and the Contradictions of Modernity in Seventeenth-Century France (U of Pennsylvania P, 2001), and is currently engaged in a historical study of the way fiction refers to the world. [End Page 738]

K. L. Poe is Professor of English at McHenry County College in Illinois and has published articles on the works of L. M. Montgomery.

Eugene Stelzig has published over thirty scholarly articles as well as books on Wordsworth, on Hesse, and on Goethe and Rousseau as autobiographical writers. His current area of research is Romantic autobiography in England He is Distinguished Teaching Professor of English at the State University of New York at Geneseo.

Michelle Tusan is Assistant Professor of History at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. She is the author of Women Making News: Gender and Journalism in Modern Britain (U of Illinois P, 2005). [End Page 739]


