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  • Contributors

Robert M. Adelman is assistant professor of sociology at Georgia State University. His research interests include racial and economic residential segregation, internal migration, immigrant economic adaptation, and urban poverty.

Lauren L. Basson is an assistant professor in the Department of Politics and Government at Ben Gurion University in Beer Sheva, Israel. She is currently completing a book manuscript tentatively titled, “How Racial Mixing Defined What It Means to Be American.”

Christina Collins is a doctoral student pursing a joint degree in history and education at the University of Pennsylvania and a candidate for an urban studies certificate. She currently is working on a dissertation entitled “Ethnically Qualified: The Changing Face of Teaching in New York City, 1920–1980.” She is the recipient of a four-year Spencer Foundation Fellowship for research in urban education and a Spencer Foundation Doctoral Fellowship.

Kyle D. Crowder is an associate professor of sociology at Western Washington University. His current research focuses on the racial and ethnic stratification of mobility and migration processes and the effects of neighborhood context on adolescent development.

Jane Humphries is professor of economic history at Oxford University and a fellow of All Souls College. She has published widely on the history of women, work, and family lives. A recent contribution is the chapter on household economy in The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, edited by Roderick Floud and Paul Johnson (2004). She currently is working on a monograph on child labor during the British Industrial Revolution to be published by Cambridge University Press.

Bertram Johnson is assistant professor of political science at Middlebury College. His research and teaching interests concern how local governments [End Page 683] interact with higher levels of government. He currently is working on transforming his dissertation, on U.S. cities and their financial ties to states, into a book manuscript.

Stephan Klasen is professor of economics at the University of Göttingen. His research is focused on empirical questions in the economics of inequality, with gender inequality in mortality being a particular concern. He recently has published research in Population and Development Review, Feminist Economics, and Economic Development and Cultural Change.

Kirsty McNay is lecturer in demography at the Institute of Human Sciences, Oxford University. Her research interests include the demography of historical and contemporary countries, especially India. Recent published work includes various coauthored chapters in Twenty-First Century India: Population, Economy, Human Development, and the Environment, edited by Tim Dyson, Robert Cassen, and Leela Visaria (2004). She has also recently published journal articles in Population Studies, Progress in Development Studies, and the Journal of Biosocial Science.

Russell R. Menard is a former coeditor of Social Science History and presently a professor of history at the University of Minnesota. He is the author of numerous books and articles on the early American economy, including The Economy of British America (1985), with John J. McCusker. His most recent book is Migrants, Servants, and Slaves: Unfree Labor in British America (2002). He is completing Sweet Negotiations: Sugar, Slavery, and Plantation Agriculture in Early Barbados, which is forthcoming from the University of Virginia Press.

David B. Ryden is an assistant professor of history at the University of Houston-Downtown. In addition to colonial South Carolina, his research interests include the economy of the eighteenth-century Caribbean and the abolition of the British slave trade. Most recently, he edited a collection of reprinted pro-slave trade pamphlets, Promoters of the Slave Trade (2003), and his article “Atlantic Labor Markets and the Colonial Economy of South Carolina” is forthcoming in Plantation Society in the Americas.

Jordan Stanger-Ross is an assistant professor of history at the University of Victoria and holds a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council [End Page 684] of Canada postdoctoral fellowship. His dissertation, “The Choreography of Community: Italian Ethnicity in Postwar Toronto and Philadelphia” (University of Pennsylvania, 2005), explores the social and spatial dynamics of Italian ethnic life in postindustrial cities.

Mark J. Stern is professor of social welfare and history and codirector of the Urban Studies Program at the University of Pennsylvania. Along with Michael B. Katz, he heads the America at the Millennium research project. He teaches social policy and race relations in...

