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  • Contributors

Richard Danson Brown is Lecturer in Literature at the Open University and the author of Th e New Poet: Novelty and Tradition in Spenser's Complaints. Currently he is working on a monograph on Louis MacNeice and the Poetry of the 1930s for the Writers and their Work series.

Katherine Gantz is Assistant Professor of French at St. Mary's College of Maryland. Her current research project examines the conflict between the urban design of France's Second Empire and contemporary uses of public space in Paris. She has published articles in the areas of gender theory and cultural studies, and her most recent work, "The Difficult Guest: French Queer Theory Makes Room for Rachilde," will appear in the 2005 issue of South Central Review (22.3).

Peter Lowe gained his PhD from the University of Durham (England) in 2002, and currently teaches at Durham and at York St John College, York. His doctoral research explored T. S. Eliot's response to the influence of Percy Shelley in his poetry, and he is currently researching the relationship between Eliot's conception of self-consciousness and that found in the work of the Romantic poets.

Jody McAuliffe's publications include Crimes of Art and Terror with Frank Lentricchia; Plays, Movies, and Critics; and Mysterious Actions: New American Drama. Her fiction has appeared in Literary Imagination, Southwest Review, and South Atlantic Quarterly. A member of the Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers and graduate of the Yale School of Drama, she teaches at Duke University.

David Pierce is a member of the Board of the International James Joyce Foundation. He has written or edited three books on W.B. Yeats, composed a monograph on James Joyce, edited (with Peter de Voogd) a collection of essays on Laurence Sterne, compiled a reader on Irish writing in the twentieth century, and (with Mary Eagleton) produced a book on fiction and social class. His forthcoming publication, his third book with Yale University Press, is entitled Light, Freedom and Song: A Cultural History of Modern Irish Writing. He lives in York, England. [End Page 183]

Christopher Pollnitz is a senior lecturer at the University of Newcastle, Australia. His interests include contemporary Australian Literature, particularly poetry, which he has written about in articles and reviews. His research is focused on the English modernist period, notably D. H. Lawrence. He is preparing a variorum of the Poems for the Cambridge University Press edition of Lawrence's Works.

Beth Ellen Roberts is a visiting assistant professor of English at the University of Southern Mississippi's Gulf Coast campus. Her book One Voice and Many: Modern Poets in Dialogue is forthcoming from the University of Delaware Press.

Eve Sorum is currently a doctoral candidate at the University of Michigan. In her dissertation, "Mapping Modernism," she examines the connections between twentieth-century cartography and modernist literature in order to probe a central concern of modernism—the orientation of the modern subject. Looking at writers such as Thomas Hardy, Ford Madox Ford, W. H. Auden, and Gertrude Stein, she argues that their efforts to represent modernity are informed and shaped by a cartographic imagination.

David Spurr is Professor and Director of English Studies at the University of Geneva. Among the several books on modern English and comparative literature he has published, the most recent are Joyce and the Scene of Modernity (Florida, 2002) and The Space of English (Tübingen, 2005).

Mark Weeks, a graduate of the English literature doctoral program at The University of Western Australia, is a Visiting Professor at the Graduate School of Languages and Cultures, Nagoya University, Japan. He has researched most extensively in humor theory, specifically on the issue of laughter, and has published on the subject in Humor: the International Journal of Humor Research. He has also written on the significance of laughter in Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy for The Journal of Nietzsche Studies. [End Page 184]


