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  • [IAbulki] / Manzanas / Apples
  • Lyubobir Nikolov
    Translated by Jorge R. Sagastume and Miroslav Nikolov

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Las manzanas se han caído y podrido en el patio.Y tú no estás aquí.Aparte de eso, el resto continúa igual.El grillo chirrea en el seco césped.La hoja de la ventana está quebrada.La piedra ha caído a un lado de la cama.Fragmentos de vidrio cubren la almohada.


The apples have fallen and rot in the yard.And you aren't here.Otherwise, everything else goes on as before.The cricket creaks in the dry grass.The window pane is shattered.The stone has fallen by the bed.Shards of glass cover the pillow.

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