Bibliography (in English) for 2001-20021
Compiled by Michael D. C. Drout with Laura Kalafarski and Stefanie Olsen
Primary Sources
Tolkien, J.R.R. The Alphabet of Rúmil & Early Noldorn Fragments. The Alphabet of Rúmil, edited by Arden R. Smith; Early Noldorin Fragments, edited by Christopher Gilson, Bill Welden, Carl F. Hostetter, and Patrick Wynne. Cupertino, CA: Parma Eldalamberon, 2001
——. The Annotated Hobbit: Revised and Expanded Edition. Edited by Douglas A. Anderson. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2002.
——. Beowulf and the Critics, edited by Michael D. C. Drout. Tempe, AZ: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2002.
——. The Hobbit, or, There and Back Again. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001. [Newly corrected text].
——. The Lord of the Rings. Illustrated by Alan Lee. 3 vols. London: HarperCollins; Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2002. [Newly corrected text; published simultaneously in UK & US].
——. "The Rivers and Beacon-hills of Gondor," edited by Carl F. Hostetter. Vinyar Tengwar, no. 42 (July 2001): 5-31.
——. The Road Goes Ever On. London: HarperCollins, 2002. [New edition, includes new setting of "Lúthien Tinúviel"].
——. A Tolkien Miscellany. New York: Science Fiction Book Club, 2002. [Omnibus including Smith of Wootton Major, Farmer Giles of Ham, Tree and Leaf, The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl, and Sir Orfeo].
——. Tree and Leaf: Including the Poem "Mythopoeia;" "The Homecomingof Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm's Son." London: HarperCollins Publishers, 2001.
——. "'Words of Joy': Five Catholic Prayers in Quenya," Part One, edited by Patrick Wynne, Arden R. Smith, and Carl F. Hostetter. Vinyar Tengwar 43 (January 2002): 4-38. [End Page 183]
——. "'Words of Joy': Five Catholic Prayers in Quenya," Part Two, edited by Patrick Wynne, Arden R. Smith, and Carl F. Hostetter. Vinyar Tengwar 44 (June 2002): 4-38.
Ang, Susan. The Master of the Rings. Duxford, Cambridge [England]: Wizard Books, 2002.
Birzer, Bradley J. J.R.R. Tolkien's Sanctifying Myth: Understanding Middle-Earth. Wilmington, DE: ISI Books, 2002.
Blake, Andrew. J.R.R. Tolkien: A Beginner's Guide. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2002.
Boyd, Ian, C.S.B., ed. The Chesterton Review: J.R.R. Tolkien: Mythos and Modernity in Middle-Earth. Seton Hall University: South Orange, New Jersey, 2002. [Special issue of The Chesterton Review, 28.1and 2; individual contributions are listed below under Articles].
Bramlett, Perry C. I Am in Fact a Hobbit: an Introduction to the Life and Works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 2003.
Bruner, Kurt D. and Jim Ware. Finding God in The Lord of the Rings. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 2001.
Chance, Jane. The Lord of the Rings: the Mythology of Power. 2nd ed., rev. and exp. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 2001.
——. Tolkien's Art: A Mythology for England. 2nd ed., rev. and exp. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 2001.
Colbert, David. The Magical Worlds of The Lord of the Rings. New York: Berkley Books, 2002.
Coren, Michael. J.R.R. Tolkien: The Man who Created The Lord of the Rings. Toronto: Stoddart, 2001.
Duriez, Colin. Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings. Mahwah, NJ: Hidden Spring, 2001.
Duriez, Colin and David Porter. The Inklings Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to theLives, Thought, and Writings of C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, Owen Barfield, and Their Friends. St. Louis, MO: Chalice Press, 2001.
Ellwood, Robert S. Frodo's Quest: Living the Myth in The Lord of the Rings. Wheaton, IL: Quest Books, 2002. [End Page 184]
Flieger, Verlyn. Splintered Light: Logos and Language in Tolkien's World. 2nd ed., rev. and exp. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2002.
Fredrick, Candace and Sam McBride. Women Among the Inklings: Gender, C.S.Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Charles Williams. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2001.
Gifford, Clive. So You Think You Know "The Lord of the Rings." London: Hodder Children's Books, 2002.
Gillam, James H. Treasures from the Misty Mountains: A Collector's Guide toJ.R.R. Tolkien. Burlington, ON: Collector's Guide Pub., 2001.
Haber, Karen ed. Meditations on Middle-Earth. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2001.
Jones, Leslie Ellen. Myth & Middle-Earth. Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Press, 2002.
Lewis, Alex and Elizabeth Currie. The Uncharted Realms of Tolkien: A Critical Study of Text, Context, andSubtext in the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Oswestry: Medea, 2002.
Lowson, Iain, Keith Marshall and Daniel O'Brien. World of the Rings: TheUnauthorised Guide to the World of J.R.R. Tolkien. London: Reynolds & Hearn, 2002.
Petty, Anne C. One Ring to Bind Them All: Tolkien's Mythology. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press, 2002. [Reprint of her 1979 book with a new introduction and updated bibliography.]
Smith, Mark Eddy. Tolkien's Ordinary Virtues: Exploring the Spiritual Themes of theLord of the Rings. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2002. [Published in the UK as A Closer Look at 'The Lord of the Rings.']
Stanton, Michael N. Hobbits, Elves, and Wizards: Exploring the Wonders and Worldsof J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. New York: Palgrave for St. Martin's Press, 2001.
Tolkien, Christopher. The History of Middle-Earth Index. Compiled by Helen Armstrong. London: HarperCollins, 2002.
West, John G. ed. Celebrating Middle-Earth: 'The Lord of the Rings' as a Defense ofWestern Civilization. Seattle, WA: Inkling Books, 2002.
White, Michael. The Life and Work of J.R.R. Tolkien. Indianapolis, IN: Alpha, 2002. [Published in Great Britain as Tolkien: A Biography. London: Little, Brown, 2001]. [End Page 185]
Algeo, John. "A Fancy for the Fantastic: Reflections on Names in Fantasy Literature." Names 49, no. 4 (2001): 248-53.
Anand, Valerie and Dale Nelson. "Tolkien—Why Is He Important Today?" Mallorn: The Journal of the Tolkien Society 39 (2001): 38-40.
Arvidsson, Hakan. "The Ring: An Essay on Tolkien's Mythology." Mallorn: TheJournal of the Tolkien Society 40 (2002): 45-52.
Bauer, Erik. "It's Just a Movie: Erik Bauer Speaks with Peter Jackson." CreativeScreenwriting 9, no. 1 (2002): 6-12.
Boyd, Ian. "J.R.R. Tolkien: Mythos and Modernity in Middle-Earth." The ChestertonReview: The Journal of the Chesterton Society 28 (2002): 1-199.*
Caldedcott, Stratford. "The Horns of Hope: J.R.R. Tolkien and the Heroism of Hobbits." The Chesterton Review: The Journal of the Chesterton Society 28 (2002): 29-55.*
Chance, Jane. "Is There a Text in this Hobbit? Peter Jackson's Fellowship of the Ring." Literature—Film Quarterly 30, no. 2 (2002): 79-85.
Chausse, Jean. "Icons of Jesus Christ in The Lord of the Rings." Mallorn: The Journal of the Tolkien Society 39 (2001): 30-32.
Cooper, Susan. "There and Back Again: Tolkien Reconsidered." Horn Book Magazine, March 2002, 143-50.
Craig, David M. "Queer Lodgings: Gender and Sexuality in The Lord of the Rings." Mallorn: The Journal of the Tolkien Society 38 (2001): 11-18.
Crowe, Edith L. "Making and Unmaking in Middle-Earth and Elsewhere." Mythlore: A Journal of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams, General Fantasy & Mythic Studies 23 (3 (89)) (2001): 56-69.
Curry, Patrick. "Magic vs. Enchantment." Mallorn: The Journal of the Tolkien Society 38 (2001): 5-10.
Davidson, Christine. "Coming of Age: Changes of Heart: Growth and Enlightenment in The Lord of the Rings." Mallorn: The Journal of the Tolkien Society 39 (2001): 15-22.
Dubois, Tom and Scott Mellor. "The Nordic Roots of Tolkien's Middle Earth." Scandinavian Review 90, no. 1 (2002): 35-40.
Edwards, Owen Dudley. "Gollum, Frodo and the Catholic Novel." The Chesterton Review: the Journal of the Chesterton Society 28 (2002): 57-71.* [End Page 186]
Ellison, John. "Images of Evil in Tolkien's World." Mallorn: The Journal of the TolkienSociety 38 (2001): 21-29.
Ellison, John A. "Treebeard's Voice." Mallorn: The Journal of the Tolkien Society 40 (2002): 28.
Fadar, Shanti. "A Fool's Hope: Hobbits Rush in Where Heroes Fear to Tread." Parabola—The Magazine of Myth & Tradition 26, no. 3 (2001): 48-52.
Flieger, Verlyn. "A Cautionary Tale." The Chesterton Review: the Journal of the Chesterton Society 28 (2002): 97-103.*
Flieger, Verlyn and T.A. Shippey. "Allegory versus Bounce: Tolkien's Smith of Wootton Major." Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 12 (2 (46)) (2001): 186-200.
Fuller, Graham. "Trimming Tolkien." Sight & Sound 12, no, 2 (2002): 18-20.
Green, William H. "King Thorin's Mines: The Hobbit as Victorian Adventure Novel." Extrapolation 42, no. 1 (2001): 53-64.
Gulliver, Peter [Peter Gilliver]. "J.R.R. Tolkien and the OED." English Today: The InternationalReview of the English Language 18 (4 (72)) (2002): 53-54.
Horobin, S.C.P. "J.R.R. Tolkien as a Philologist: A Reconsideration of the Northernisms in Chaucer's Reeve's Tale." English Studies 82.2 (2001): 97-105.
Jellema, Rod. "Auden on Tolkien: The Book That Isn't, and the House That Brought it Down." W. H. Auden: A Legacy, edited by David Garrett Izzo. West Cornwall, CT: 2002. 39-45.
Kinsella, Sean. "Elves and Angels in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings." Notes onContemporary Literature 32, no. 4 (2002): 10-11.
Koravos, Nikolaos. Realistic Fantasy: The Example of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings." Mallorn: The Journal of the Tolkien Society 38 (2001): 31-35.
Lane, Anthony. "The Hobbit Habit: Reading The Lord of the Rings." The New Yorker, 10 December 2001, 98-105.
Longenecker, Dwight. "The Little Way through Middle Earth." The Chesterton Review: The Journal of the Chesterton Society 28 (2002): 105-11.*
Mallinson, Jeffrey. "A Potion too Strong?: Challenges in Translating the Religious Significance of Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings to Film. [End Page 187] Journal of Religion andPopular Culture (2002): 1.
Marples, Laura. "The Hamletian Hobbit." Mallorn: The Journal of the Tolkien Society 40 (2002): 15-21.
McKillip, Patricia A. "Three Ways of Looking at a Trilogy." New York Review of Science Fiction 13 (12 (156)) (2001): 4-5.
Nelson, Charles W. "From Gollum to Gandalf: The Guide Figures in J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings." Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 13 (1 (49)) (2002): 47-61.
Nelson, Dale. "The Lord of the Rings and the Four Loves." Mallorn: The Journal of the Tolkien Society 40 (2002): 29-31.
Newman, Kim. "Will It Ring True." Sight & Sound 12, no. 1 (2002): 4-5
Pettit, Edward. "J.R.R. Tolkien's Use of an Old English Charm." Mallorn: The Journal of the Tolkien Society 40 (2002): 39-44.
Pretorius, David. "Binary Issues and Feminist Issues in LOTR." Mallorn: The Journal ofthe Tolkien Society 40 (2002): 32-38.
Richmond, Donald P. "Tolkien's Marian Vision of Middle-Earth. Mallorn: The Journalof the Tolkien Society 40 (2002): 13-14.
Ryfle, Steve. "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers." Creative Screenwriting 9, no. 6 (2002): 40-42.
Sarjeant, William A.S. "The Shire: Its Bounds, Food and Farming. Mallorn: TheJournal of the Tolkien Society 39 (2001): 33-37.
Schweitzer, Darrell. "Middle Earth Revisited; or, Back There Again." New YorkReview of Science Fiction 14 (9 (165)) (2002): 8-13.
Smith, Arden R. "Upphaflega .slensk heiti." Vinyar Tengwar 42 (2001): 35-37.
Smith, Patricia Burkhart. "Ring Bearer: Patricia Burkhart Smith Talks with Philippa Boyens." Creative Screenwriting 8.2 (2001): 4,6, and 8.
Timmons, Daniel. "Hobbit Sex and Sexuality in The Lord of the Rings." Mythlore: A Journal of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams, General Fantasy & Mythic Studies 23 (3 (89)) (2001): 70-79.
Tolley, Clive. "Tolkien's 'Essay on Man': A Look at Mythopoeia." The ChestertonReview: The Journal of the Chesterton Society 28 (2002): 79-95.
Turner, Allan. "Legendary and Historical Time in The Lord of the Rings." Mallorn: TheJournal of the Tolkien Society 39 (2001): 3-6.
Turner, Jenny. "Reasons for Liking Tolkien." London Review of Books, 15 [End Page 188] November 2001, 15-24.
Wendorf, Thomas A. "Greene, Tolkien, and the Mysterious Relations of Realism and Fantasy. Renascence 55, no. 1 (2002): 79-100.
Willhite, Gary L. and John R.D. Bell. "J.R.R. Tolkien's Moral Imagination." Mallorn: The Journal of the Tolkien Society 40 (2002): 7-12.
Other Media
"J. R. R. Tolkien: An Audio Portrait of the author of 'The Hobbit' and 'The Lord of the Rings.'" Presented by Brian Sibley. London: BBC Worldwide, 2001. Available on two compact discs and on cassette. [Includes recordings of Tolkien from the 1960s and reminiscences by people who knew him.]
"A Visual Guide to J.R.R. Tolkien's The Two Towers." A Big Production for Kultur International. (DVD) West Long Branch, NJ: Kultur, 2002.
1. This bibliography attempts to collect works of significant scholarly interest published in English. It will form the basis of "The Years' Work in Tolkien Studies 2001-2002," to be published in Tolkien Studies, vol. 2 in 2005. Please send additions and corrections to the editors.
* Published as part of a special issue of The Chesterton Review.
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