In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to Volume 14

Volume 14, Number 1: Winter 2002
Special Issue
Money and Politics


PAULA BAKER Introduction: Does Money Buy Policy? 1

PAULA BAKER Campaigns and Potato Chips; Or Some Causes and Consequences of Political Spending 4

ROBERT E. MUTCH The First Federal Campaign Finance Bills 30

MARK WAHLGREN SUMMERS "To Make the Wheels Revolve We Must Have Grease": Barrel Politics in the Gilded Age 49

JULIAN E. ZELIZER Seeds of Cynicism: The Struggle over Campaign Finance,1956-1974 73

Volume 14, Number 2: Spring 2002


JOHN STEWART Ideology and Process in the Creation of the British National Health Service 113

STEPHEN CECCOLI Divergent Paths to Drug Regulation in the United States and the United Kingdom 135

Critical Perspectives

WILLIAM GRAEBNER The End of Liberalism: Narrating Welfare's Decline from the Moynihan Report (1965) to the Personal Responsibility and Work Act (1996) 170


BARTHOLOMEW SPARROW The National War Labor Board and American State-Building: A Response 191 [End Page 439]

ANDREW A. WORKMAN A Response to Bartholomew Sparrow 204

Book Reviews

MARTHA DERTHICK/ Crossings and Creations Daniel T. Rodgers, Atlantic Crossings: Social Politics in a Progressive Era 214

KATHERINE G. AIKEN / Progressivism: A Century-Long Legacy Sidney M. Milkis and Jerome M. Mileur, eds., Progrssivism and the New Democracy 219

Volume 14, Number 3: Summer 2002


IAN DOWBIGGIN "A Rational Coalition": Euthanasia, Eugenics, and Birth Control in America, 1940-1970 223

J. MICHAEL MARTINEZ The Carter Administration and the Evolution of American Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy, 1977-1981 261

HUGH S. GORMAN and BARRY D. SOLOMON The Origins and Practice of Emissions Trading 293


WILLIAM RUSHER Toward a History of the Conservative Movement—A Review of Lisa McGirr, Suburban Warriors: The Origins of the New American Right 321

LISA MCGIRR A History of the Conservative Movement from the Bottom Up—A Response to William Rusher 331

Book Reviews

ED BERKOWITZ / The War on Poverty Research Alice O'Connor, Poverty Knowledge: Social Science, Social Policy, and the Poor in Twentieth-Century History 341

ALAN LESSOFF / The Peculiar Savagery of the Engineered City Gerard T. Koeppel, Water for Gotham: A History Martin V. Melosi, The Sanitary City: Urban Infrastructure in America from Colonial Times to the Present 343 [End Page 440]

Volume 14, Number 4: Fall 2002


DANIEL A. SMITH and JOSEPH LUBINSKI Direct Democracy During the Progressive Era: A Crack in the Populist Veneer? 349

SUSAN GROSS SOLOMON Fact-Finding and Policymaking: The Rockefeller Foundation's Division of Medical Education and the "Russian Matter," 1925-1927 384

Critical Perspectives

PHILIP ABBOTT "Big" Theories and Policy Counsel: James Burnham, Francis Fukuyama, and the Cold War 417

Book Reviews

KENNETH L. KUSMER / Hot War, Cold War, and Civil Rights Daniel Kryder, Divided Arsenal: Race and the American State During World War II Mary L. Dudziak, Cold War Civil Rights: Race and the Image of American Democracy 431 [End Page 441]


