In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Editor's Note
  • Samuel L. Leiter

The play translation and essays in this issue are all by young scholars on the verge of establishing their careers. The essays are the product of the annual competition held by ATJ and the Association for Asian Performance. They were presented at the Association for Theatre in Higher Education's conference in New York City in the summer of 2003. Formerly known as a Debut Panel, the competition this year was renamed the Emerging Scholars' Panel. The winning panelists included an Australian, a Pole, and an American, and their papers touch on theatre in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Turkey. It is my hope that they represent a microcosm of international understanding. Am I dreaming?

In addition, the issue carries an abundance of book and media reviews, the latter being especially interesting because they represent how works created in such formats as VCD, DVD, VHS, CD-ROM, and e-books are becoming increasingly available for the spread of knowledge about Asian theatre forms. Print resources (such as ATJ ) can only benefit from such supplementary visual and auditory aids. Print and electronic media are essential to bringing this fractured world together. It is my hope that people are reading, watching, and listening. Am I dreaming?


