What We Talk About When We Talk About Indicators: Current Approaches to Human Rights Measurement
- Human Rights Quarterly
- Johns Hopkins University Press
- Volume 23, Number 4, November 2001
- pp. 1062-1097
- 10.1353/hrq.2001.0054
- Article
- Additional Information
Human Rights Quarterly 23.4 (2001) 1062-1097
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What We Talk About When We Talk About Indicators: Current Approaches to Human Rights Measurement
Maria Green
I. | Introduction | 1063 |
II. | Types of Materials Surveyed | 1065 |
III. | Initial Definitions | 1065 |
A. Indicators | 1065 | |
B. Human Rights | 1066 | |
IV. | An Overview of Basic Human Rights Concepts | 1066 |
A. Origin and Nature of International Human Rights Protection | 1067 | |
B. List of the Rights Protected under International Law | 1068 | |
C. Progressive Realization | 1070 | |
D. Rights that are not Subject to Progressive Realization | 1071 | |
E. Three Duties: Respect, Protect, Fulfill | 1071 | |
F. Core Content | 1072 | |
G. Organizing Principles | 1073 | |
H. Normative Contents of the Various Economic,Social and Cultural Rights | 1074 | |
I. Obligations of Conduct and Obligations of Result | 1075 | |
J. Two Common Misconceptions with Regard to Human Rights | 1075 | |
V. | Definitions: "Indicators," "Benchmarks" and "Indices" in the Human Rights Discourse | 1076 |
A. General (non-HR) Definitions for Indicators | 1076 | |
B. Human Rights Indicators as Statistics | 1077 | |
C. "Thematic" Approach to Human Rights Indicators | 1078 | |
D. Benchmarks | 1080 | |
E. Indices | 1082 | |
VI. | Theoretical Issues Concerning Human Rights Indicators | 1084 |
A. Criteria by which They are Adopted: Disaggregation, Progressive Measurement | 1084 | |
B. What is Being Measured: Compliance with Obligations or Enjoyment of Rights? | 1085 | |
C. Distinctions Between Human Rights Indicators and Development Indicators? | 1089 | |
D. Distinctions Between Civil and Political Rights Indicators and Indicators for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights? | 1091 | |
VII. | The Role of Human Rights in the Development Discourse | 1094 |
VI. | Conclusion and Recap of Discussion Points | 1096 |
I. Introduction
In the spring of 1999, when the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) was preparing the Human Development Report 2000 (HDR), it asked the International Anti-Poverty Law Center (IAPLC) to prepare a background paper on the state of the field in human rights indicators. The Human Development Report Office was particularly interested in receiving the following elements:
-- rough overview and introduction of the issue, i.e. (human rights) indicators;
-- summary, and thorough review of recent contributions, approaches, and trends in the field, covering: [(i)] approaches used in measurement, such as whether the measurement focuses on human outcomes or state obligations; (ii) areas covered; (iii) whether the focus is on ESCR [economic, social and cultural rights] or extends to [End Page 1063] specific provisions in the multitude of other legal instruments such as the Rights of the Child, CEDAW, core labor standards;
-- identifying gaps in the literature. 1
This article is the result of that request. Its purpose is to provide an account of the current state of the field with regard to human rights indicators, including indicators for civil, cultural, economic, political, and social rights. 2
The literature survey covers materials dealing both with the theory of human rights indicators and with the practice of human rights monitoring. The survey is limited to materials dealing explicitly with human rights indicators and excludes texts from the infinitely more vast field of development, economic, and social indicators, where those texts do not contain references to international human rights law. In particular, this article does not attempt to cover the field of social indicators theory, in which the UNDP was already expert. Because of the constraints of time and length, the documents surveyed deal primarily with UN human rights instruments rather than with regional human rights instruments such as the various conventions of the Organization of American States and the Organization for African Unity.
In the course of an extensive examination of the field we identified five central questions in the discussion of human rights indicators:
1. Is the word "indicator" used within the human rights community to refer to information beyond statistical data?
2. Is there a difference in kind between indicators designed to measure economic, social and cultural rights and indicators designed to measure civil and political rights?
3. Is there a practical distinction to be made between indicators designed to measure states' compliance with their obligations under the various human rights treaties and indicators designed to measure individuals' and groups' enjoyment of their...